Monkey Business

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Jesse exit out of the portal and finds himself in a hotel. "What a charming little hotel." Bierce said. Jesse see a bell, he rings the bell. "Hello? Anyone here?" Jesse said. He starts walking, a card board of a hotel server falls down. It frightens Jesse. Then he see a lot of elevators. Jesse saw something in the elevator. "Oh, someones here." Jesse said. He walks forward. "Hey, excuse me. Can you tell me where I am?" Jesse asked. Then the person screeched that sounded like a monkey, then the elevator closes. Jesse patiently waits for the elevator to open. The elevator opens and Jesse went inside. "Going up?" Bierce said. It played elevator music. Jesse tilts his head back and forth as he listens to the music. He exits the elevator. "Do you see those floating bits of crystals? Those are soul shards. Gather them all, and the first ring piece will be yours." Bierce said. "Got it." Jesse said. "And one more thing, your not alone. There are monsters in here." Bierce said. "Pfft, I ain't scared no monsters." Jesse said. "And you'll need this, it dictate each shard's location." Bierce said. Then a tablet appeared in Jesse's inventory. Jesse pulls it out, it shows a map and how many shards there are. "Enough instruction, let's get this party started!" Bierce said. Jesse breaks the wooden gates and starts collecting the shards. Then Jesse starts hearing footsteps and breathing. He turns around and see the monster. "The monster is a monkey with knives for hands?!" Jesse said. The Murder Monkey starts running towards him. Jesse starts running. Then Jesse runs into one and it slits Jesse throat. Jesse holds his throat and see his hands. Jesse is horrified of his hands is covered in his own blood. Blood starts coming out his mouth. Jesse falls and closed his eyes then stops breathing. Jesse wakes up at the start. He was confused. "I thought I died, how am I alive?" Jesse said. "I forgot to mention that you have lives, but they are limited so be careful, losing all of them you will be permanently dead." Bierce said. Jesse went to get more shards. The Murder Monkey starts chasing him. Jesse runs as fast as he can. Then he was surrounded, it stabbed him. He grows at them and dies. He wakes up and tries again. He gets all the shards, and the Murder Monkeys starts going into a frenzy. Jesse goes to the ring altar. Then he hears footsteps, he see a Chef Monkey with pizza cutters for hands. "What on Netherite?!" Jesse said. He gets to the ring altar and gets the ring piece. "Agh, who dares?" A scary voice said. "Shoot, he knows your here now, you need to escape. Get to the portal, hurry!" Bierce said. The elevator opens and Jesse goes inside. A Murder Monkey breaks through a door and starts running towards Jesse. The elevator door shuts just in time. The elevator starts going down to the 1st floor. Jesse exits the elevator, and then Murder Monkeys starts coming out of the elevators. "Run, run!" Bierce said. Jesse starts running. "There's no escape for you, mortal." The scary voice said. He runs to the portal and goes in.

He went to Bierce. "Good, you've made it. And it's seems you met my friend sooner than I was expecting." Bierce said. Jesse see a door with an eye. Then the eye opens. "Do not listen to her, mortal. She's just using you, give her the ring and there will be consequences." The scary voice said. "This is your only warning, help her and you will suffer!" The scary voice continued. "Pay no attention to him!" Bierce said. Jesse raised his eyebrow. "The ring piece, place it on the table, now!" Bierce said. "Okay." Jesse said. He puts the ring piece on the table. "It's been so long..." Bierce said. "The ring is called "the ring of heaven" a creature of infinite cruelty like you just met, Malak." Bierce said. "So his name is Malak, interesting." Jesse said.

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