𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐒𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐚

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It was a day like the others, the three Black Siblings were at lunch with their friend Peter Parker. They knew what was happening with the Avengers, but they also knew that they could handle themselves pretty well.

Everything was fine until Rosaleen Black had one of her visions concerning the Maximoff Twins.

Fortunately, they weren't in public, it would certainly be a disaster if there were civilians. Rose had her eyes completely white, almost glowing from the power inside of her, the three friends could see some blood coming from her eyes and nose.

It was a complete mess.

Cassandra tried to help her sister to get back from her vision, but it was useless. Nothing could save her from the terrible death she was seeing.

When the girl was finally free from it, she fainted from exhaustion.

When the brunette finally woke up, she was at home, on her bed. Her siblings and Peter were talking about what she could have possibly seen to provoke such a mess with her powers.

"Hey," said Cassie, "are you okay now?" The brunette was still shocked by the tragic news she would give them.

"He'll die." was the only thing she could say, nothing more.

"Who's gonna die?" Asked her brother, worried about her twin sister.

"Pietro." At that moment the siblings froze, they couldn't believe it.

Meanwhile, the three siblings were silent, Peter was perplexed. He didn't know who Pietro was and why he was so important to his friends.

"Sooo, who's Pietro?" the boy asked curiously.

That was the moment the Blacks remembered that Parker didn't know much about the Sokovian Twins.

"Mr. Parker," said a voice that he didn't recognize "Pietro Django Maximoff was one of the first people that Ms. Black saw in her visions."

"Who was that?"

"That's Rose's A.I, Lily" responded to the boy Cassandra, like that was common knowledge.

"Rosaleen has an A.I?! Why didn't I know about it?" he honestly felt a little left out by his friends, since they met a girl named America that they couldn't shut about - especially Rose. He wasn't one of those types of guys who were jealous of their crushes, but he felt a bit jelly that all Rosaleen would talk about was how amazing America was or how cool she was. He wanted to be the one she would talk about like that.

"You remember that I can read minds, right Parker?" said Cassandra in his mind, she obviously knew about the boy's crush on her sister, and unfortunately, she had to bear with his thoughts about her. As soon as he heard her he blushed intensely.

"Well, remember when we told you about America?" said Rosaleen. After she saw Peter nodding, she continued, "The travel we did with her, I decided to create my A.I, named after the second smarter girl in the world, Lily Evans, just so that if anything ever happened to anyone that I care about I would know immediately how to help them without using my powers!" she cared a lot about her friends and family, she couldn't think what she'll do if anything happened to them.

"Oh, wow that's cool." why couldn't he stop his crush on her? It was like everything she did made him love her more, sincerely it wasn't fair for him. "Anyway, how does your A.I work?" he was genuinely curious about it.

"She's practically a part of me, I transferred all my memories into her and I gave her some of my powers!" Rosaleen would always get excited when she would talk about Lily, she was like a daughter to her.

"Rose, you still didn't tell us what happened exactly on the vision you had." said her older brother, he wanted to know what would happen to the 'fake' Quicksilver, what he would call the older Maximoff.

"Wanda and Pietro decided to help the Avengers free Sokovia from Ultron, and, while doing so, Pietro was caught by bullets and died on the battlefield." said the brunette, like she saw those kinds of things every day.

And that was the moment the three older siblings decided that they would help the famous superheroes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 || 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ||Where stories live. Discover now