Never Alone

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Rick smiled to the Orphan Co. "Ok we have two things to cover. As I'm sure most of you know, due to the Orphan Co.'s notes, a fellow Orphan Co. kid was sent to the hospital due to the abuse from her parents..."

The group was in an abandoned warehouse. Hitoshi was shocked. 'Is that why Izuku was stealing? To pay the hospital bill?'

"Everyone who has cash to spare, please give put it in this bag," Another teenager, a blonde girl with green eyes, held out an old backpack. Everyone walked up, giving whatever cash they could spare. As The blonde girl counted the total.

Izuku walked up to the stage. He emptied his pockets. It was a large amount of money. A whole week's worth of stolen money. Izuku gave they money he had to The Orphan Co. and sold off things like watches and phones, to provide for himself. By the time people realized the stuff was stolen, it was too late.

"You sure you don't need any of this cash, Izuku?" Rick asked, he worried for Izuku. Rick saw Izuku like a little brother. Izuku always gave more than others, too much if Rick was being honest.

"Rai needs it more than me, besides..." Izuku looked up at Rick with a smirk. "I have ways to make that same money back with-in the week. And shouldn't you be getting to the second reason we have this meeting?"

"Fair point," Rick stated as he turned back to the crowd of kids. "The second matter is that I will be turning 18 in 2 months, as you all know. Adults are on their own on the streets. So I must choose someone to take over once I leave."

Izuku had been expecting this for the past year now. Hitoshi was shocked. He whispered to Izuku- "Why can't an adult be in The Orphan Co.?"

"Simple, Hitoshi," Izuku whispered back. "Adults can be charged differently than us kids and teens. And the adults in the group may be charged as the one's responsible for our petty theft. Plus if someone ever reports one of us missing- The adults might be charged with kidnapping. It's just safer to have the adults leave and have the kids take care of themselves and each other..."

"O-oh..." Hitoshi muttered. He felt really dumb now that Izuku told him why. Hitoshi had thought it was just these kids having a lack of trust and respect for adults. When really, it was the exact OPPOSITE...

It was BECAUSE of the trust and respect the kids have for the adults in their group, that the adults had to leave. Rick continued his speech.

"I have chosen my successor," Rick smiled, knowing he made a good choice. "Our very own Izuku, The green hood!"

Izuku stood up, surprised and honored by the sudden declaration. Hitoshi was stunned, not by Izuku getting chosen as the leader of this group. No, he was stunned Izuku was The Green Hood...

The Green Hood was considered a Robin Hood like thief, but no one knew The Green Hood's identity. The police and heroes had been hunting him down for months. And they still had NO leads. Heck they didn't even know the guy existed for AT LEAST a year prior to his arrival.

But Hitoshi realized that Izuku wore an outfit similar to the description of The Green Hood- A Green cloak-like hood, a black skin-tight suit, and a black mask. But the suit wasn't a business suit, it resembled a deep sea diver's swim suit. As well as bright red shoes...

Izuku walked over to the make-shift stage. And bowed. He made an announcement to the group- "Everyone, I hope to lead this group well, for I am 14 years old. I have four years to lead this group. And I WILL. NOT. FAIL. YOU!"

Hitoshi could hear the determination behind his tone. As well as could everyone else. Izuku smiled as he looked towards Hitoshi.

"Remember, as the Orphan Co. We are NEVER ALONE!"

The Orphan Co. [Quirkless Izuku AU]Where stories live. Discover now