Who I am Now

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Next Week...

Izuku had just walked out of a convenience store with a few snacks. As soon as he was a block or two away from the store. He climbed up the fire escape of a abandoned apartment building.

There he sat on the edge of the roof. Eating some chips and bottled water. Izuku loved sitting on rooftops like this. The view was amazing. The wind and faint noises from below were peaceful.

However, maybe Izuku shouldn't have worn his 'green hood' gear. He may not be a well known villain. But he WAS a thief, and Izuku should have known at least a few heroes would recognize him.

Izuku heard the sound of wings flapping and a sound of a person landing on the roof. He turned around to see the winged hero, Hawks, smirking at him. "Fuck..." Izuku sighed.

"You must be The Green Hood?" The bird smiled.

"No, I'm The Red Hood, and your color blind," Izuku said, sarcastically. "Of course, I am Bird boy. And you must be the pro hero- Hawks- Was it?"

"Yup," Hawks chirped. "I don't want to hurt you kid, so come with me to the station, I sure you won't be facing many charges."

"Yaaaaa," Izuku stood. He rocked on his heels, near the edge of the roof. "Maybe next time." Izuku leaned back, falling off the side of the roof.

"KID!" Hawks ran to take off to save him. Hawks calmed down. He saw The Green Hood had used one of those flag poles and his light weight to catch himself landing safely on the ground.

Hawks quickly flew after him. But as he was close, The Green Hood had an idea-

"OH MY ALL MIGHT! IT'S THE PRO HERO HAWKS!!!" That caught the attention of many people who'd previously been too preoccupied, with either their friends or their phones to realize he was there.

Izuku smirked as the crowd formed around Hawks, blocking the hero. Allowing for Izuku to slip away. Ducking into an alley. Izuku took off his hood and mask. He switched his red shoes for flip flops. And putting a baseball cap on. He walked out of the other side of the alleyway.

Izuku loved the fact he looked so plain. With The Green Hood's identity and real appearance a total mystery, 'Izuku' looked like any other kid. Maybe one who'd skipped school during certain hours, but a regular kid nonetheless.

Izuku walked through the city. Casually swiping a watch, some money, or a phone from an unsuspecting bystander or street vendor. He walked along noticing a clock in a store window. Izuku paused looking at it.

"Hmm, looks like Hitoshi will be getting out of school soon," Izuku decided he'd walk Hitoshi home. As Izuku walked, he noticed his old junior high. "Aldera Middle School."

Izuku sighed. He always avoided this side of town, because he knew people would recognize him... And he was right.


'Kacchan,' Izuku thought to himself.

"What are you doing here, nerd?!" Katsuki was shocked to say the least. He'd been told Izuku was DEAD. Izuku turned to face him.

Katsuki shuttered slightly, from the cold look Izuku had. Living on the streets and getting rejected for his lack of quirk, while so many others got a home? Izuku may smile. But it's a forced smile. Secretly, he lost his spark a while ago.

"Just passing through, Kacchan," Izuku said, as he turned to leave. Katsuki grabbed his arm.

"Hold on! I'm not done with you! You, quirkless loser!" Izuku sighed. Four years ago, Katsuki's grip would have been iron tight to him, but he's been in enough street tussles to build up his own muscle.

Izuku smirked. He wasn't a Deku anymore. He was The Green Hood...

"Oh please," He mocked. Katsuki was shocked.

"THE FUCK YOU MEAN, DEKU!?" Katsuki yelled. Izuku rolled his eyes. He saw Kacchan's 'friends' behind him. That gave Izuku an idea. Kacchan made him the laughing stalk of Aldera. Why not return the favor?

Izuku turned around, way faster than Katsuki expected. He grabbed Katsuki's arm, and threw the blonde over his shoulder. Katsuki hit the pavement with a thud. This knocked the wind out of him.

Katsuki's 'friends' were stunned silent. The weakest link of their school, just K.O.ed Aldera's top student, in a single blow. Izuku stared at a stunned and winded Katsuki-

"Look, Kacchan," He said, calmly. "I don't want to fight you. You don't know what I've been through. But clearly I'm not that old weak and defenseless deku anymore. So, let's just go our separate ways. I don't have to deal with you, and you don't have to deal with me."

Katsuki wanted to say... something... ANYTHING. But his words were caught in his throat. His 'friends' were also stunned into silence.

"Anyway," Izuku continued. "I have a friend to meet up with. So, goodbye Kacchan, good luck with UA. I already know you won't be going anywhere else. As for me? Well, I have my own job. So see ya."

With that Izuku left. Katsuki sat up, just watching as Izuku walked off. The explosive blonde grit his teeth. He turned to the two extras. Who dared to say they were his friends-

"Say anything about it, and I'll blow you to hell!" The two nodded, still stunned by deku's change. Katsuki finally stood up. He shoved his hands into his pockets. 'Tch, Stupid Deku...'

The Orphan Co. [Quirkless Izuku AU]Where stories live. Discover now