Bloody Good Friendship

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A Few Days Later...

Izuku was smiling, as he helped a five year old boy patch up his leg after he got hurt by some neighborhood bullies. Izuku walked around the warehouse, that the orphan co. called home. Not many kids actually stayed at the orphan co. main base, preferring instead, to come and go when necessary.

After all, if the orphan co. was ever reported to the police, it's best that not all of them are captured. They'd all be put into foster care or returned to their abusive households. They couldn't risk that. The last thing a kid in an abusive household needs is to get caught doing something illegal.

Anyway, Izuku decided to take a recently stolen cellphone to a pawn shop. As he walked throughout the city, he heard what sounded like a small fight going on. Izuku huffed, as he quietly surveyed the situation.

A blonde girl in a mask, was being picked on by a group of boys. The group was about Izuku's age, maybe give or take a year or two. Izuku stalked up behind the bullies-

"Hey, jackasses leave this poor girl alone," Izuku said, the leader of the three boys turned around. Izuku nailed a punch to his face. The boy covered his broken nose and yelled-

"What's the matter with you, punk?!" Izuku glared-

"You're all big and bad until someone, who's actually strong, kicks your asses. Get lost or your nose won't be the only thing that's broken." The group, clearly understanding that wasn't a threat, but a warning, ran off. "Are you ok?" Izuku reached out a hand to the crying girl.

"So... hungry..." The girl muttered under her breath. Izuku could tell right away, she wasn't hungry for food. She wasn't skinny, so she was being fed well enough.

"What are you hungry for?" Izuku asked, as he took off her mask. Her eyes were glazed over. Clearly whatever she was being denied, it was breaking her.

"B-blood..." The girl muttered, clearly out of it.

'Ahh, a blood related quirk most likely,' Izuku walked over to a trash can, and grabbed a shard of glass. He walked over to the girl, and slit a small cut on his wrist. As soon as the first drop of blood dripped down, the girl's eyes snapped into focus-

"C... can I?" She muttered, a desperate look on her face.

"Not all of my blood, but sure," Izuku nodded. The blonde sucked on the cut. The more blood she drank the more aware she became. It wasn't until Izuku started feeling dizzy from blood lost, that the girl stopped herself-

"OH MY ALL MIGHT!" She cried. "I'm so sorry! I m-must have lost control! Please, here-" The girl reached for the shard of glass, Izuku pulled it away- "Just... hurt me. Get it over with!"


"What?" The girl questioned.

"For people with blood related quirks, blood is no different than food or water. You need it to live. I'm the one who cut my wrist. Not you. You need blood to survive, whoever has been denying you blood shouldn't be doing that. They're basically starving you."

"But... it's so... creepy... That's what mom and dad say..."

"No it isn't. At least..." Izuku crouched down, to be eye level with the girl. "Not to me."

"R-really?" The girl started to tear up, as smile on her face.

"Really," Izuku softly smiled back. "I'm Izuku, I don't have a last name. What's your name?"

"Toga Himiko..." Toga said, quietly.

"Well, Toga-san. Have you heard of the orphan co.?" Himiko nodded. "We're a group of street kids, orphans, and/or abused children, who work together to survive. Rather it be- buying each other food, helping with quirk control, or finding healthy and safe homes for others. We're basically a family."

"C-can I meet the o-others?"

"Of course you can!"

"I hope this doesn't sound too... weird..." Himiko started, as Izuku helped her stand up. "But... can you give me some blood, even so often?"

"Sure," Izuku shrugged. "It's necessary for your survival."

"Th-thank you, Izu-kun!" Himiko smiled, brightly.

"No problem. Follow me," Izuku walked off, with Himiko following right behind him. Himiko smiled, as they walked through the city and to the docks. Himiko was confused, until she saw Izuku enter a broken window.

Himiko peaked into the building and saw a bunch of kids. All ranging in ages from toddlers to teenagers. But she was shocked to see no adults. The oldest kids seemed to be 16 or 17. Himiko pulled herself through the window. Being very careful to avoid getting cut by the broken glass.

"What... what is this place?" Izuku smiled, as he help Himiko through the window.

"This is the orphan co.'s main meetup point. We have bases all over the city. But this is our main hideout."

"Is this everyone?" There were about 20-30 kids in the open area alone.

"No, there are more of us," Izuku said, as he walked around. Checking up on anyone he passed by. "We just don't like all of us being in one place. It's dangerous, what if a villain finds us. Or the police track us down."

"Hey, Green Hood!" A voice called out. Said voice came from a purple haired teen, who walked up to Himiko and Izuku. "Who's this?"

"Green... Hood?" Himiko did a double take, as she recognized the outfit Izuku was wearing. But he didn't fit the description that her parents told her-'

"Hey, freak!" Himiko had been cleaning the living room, when her father called from the couch a few feet away. Himiko turned to her father. She noticed a report on the news about a common thief called 'The Green Hood' and how he'd stolen from a hero agency of all places. "If I catch you hanging out with that no good thief, you'll be in a world of trouble."

Her parents described The Green Hood as a six feet tall thug with tattoos and piercings. Who was nothing but rude. He smoked illegal drugs and beat little kids up for fun. Izuku was short, kind, no tattoos, as far as she could anyway, only fought her bullies. Gave her blood and kindness which was more than her parents EVER gave her.

"Her name is Toga Himiko," Izuku- The Green Hood- smiled, as he introduced her to his friend. "Toga-san, this is Shinsou Hitoshi. A friend of mine."

"Nice to meet you, Shinsou-kun!" Himiko waved. "I can tell we're gonna be great friends!"

The Orphan Co. [Quirkless Izuku AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora