Love and Deceit

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"Welcome, Mr. Quincy," Himiko's father smiled. "It was very nice of you to take in these boys." The blonde man gestured to Izuku and Hitoshi. Who simply waved, at Rick. Rick waved back, then turned to Mr. and Ms. Toga.

"Of course," Rick smiled. "I, myself, grew up as an orphan, so I didn't want these boys to do the same."

"That's very nice of you," Ms. Toga smiled, as she finished cooking and fixed herself a plate of food. "You clearly have done a good job of teaching them right from wrong."

"Thank you, Miss?" Rick smiled, as Ms. Toga handed him a plate to fix his own meal.

"Toga, Hankai Toga. This is my husband, Yuu Toga," The two parents sat down at their places at the dinner table.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Ms. Toga!" Rick smiled, as he sat down at the dinner table across from his 'sons'. Izuku and Hitoshi were nervous as hell, but hid it well. Knowing Rick was their only way to help Himiko. They couldn't blow this by revealing he wasn't ACTUALLY their father.

"Well, shall we eat dinner?" Hankai smiled. Rick nodded. "So what do you do for a living?"

"Oh! I work at the mechanics' shop down the road. I only got the job about a year ago, so I'm not in a very high level position. But I hope to change that soon."

"I hope you get whatever position you're aiming for," Yuu shrugged. "But at least you have a job, that's more than most people of your generation."

"Thank you for the support," Rick chuckled. "I really appreciate it."

"Hey, Izuku, Hitoshi?" Himiko whispered to his friends, quietly.

"What's up, Toga-san?" Izuku questioned. Worried something might be going wrong.

"Can I talk to you two, alone, for a minute?" Himiko asked, quietly once more.

"Sure?" Izuku turned towards the adults. "Me, Himiko, and Hitoshi will be right back."

"Ok dears," Hankai smiled, softly. Izuku and Hitoshi walked outside to the backyard. Himiko was the first to speak-

"Who exactly is this guy?"

"Oh right!" Izuku said, suddenly remembering he forgot to tell Toga about his old friend and mentor. "I guess we forgot to tell you about Rick, my old street mentor and friend."


"When I first became an orphan, he took me in and introduced me to the orphan co. Rick was a street kid and the leader of the orphan co about a year ago," Izuku explained. "He practically raised me and taught me everything I know about both living on the streets and being the leader that the orphan co. can count on."

"Oh! So... he's like-" Himiko thought for a moment. "A big brother to you?"

"Yup!" Izuku smiled, brightly.

"Wait, I just remembered something!" Hitoshi spoke up. "You told me, that the adults can't help the kids of the orphan co. Why is he helping us now?"

"Because he would rather end up in jail, rather than let a member of the orphan co. get hurt. Plus he owed me a favor anyway and it's never good to owe a favor when you grow up and/or live on the street. So most people try to pay back the favor ASAP."

"Fair point," Hitoshi shrugged in response.

"We should head back inside," Himiko said, in a worried tone. "Or my parents may get suspicious that I may be hurting you or something."

"Yeah, that's head inside," Hitoshi and Himiko turned to head inside, Izuku stood there for a moment thinking to himself about the past few years.

Ever since he was ten years old, he's always had the orphan co. But they were more like teammates rather than family. Sure, everyone helped everyone else. But in the end they all leave to do their own thing and  every member ends up alone, as adults. Never getting help because they don't have a choice.

However, Rick, Himiko, and Hitoshi are Izuku's friends. He hasn't had friends since he was four, when he was diagnosed as quirkless. Well, not real friends at least. Kacchan was never really his friend, even if for years Izuku helped onto the hope that one day they could be friends again. Izuku sighed, with a smile, as he realized how lucky he was now. He had Rick, Himiko, and Hitoshi. That's more than most quirkless and/or street kids.

Sure the orphan co. was a big group. But there are hundreds of kids who were alone on the streets and not part of the orphan co. Izuku couldn't help everyone. He knows that much. But like hell he'd leave someone alone, if he could help them.

Izuku admits he wanted to be a hero as a kid. Doesn't every kid in this day and age? But after he lost his parents, he never thought of anything except surviving.

He stole, fought, and ran. That's all he's done for five years. He used to feel guilty, he felt like a villain. But over time he learned that it didn't matter if he was a villain or hero. All that matters was that he and the orphan co. survived.

That's all he wanted for a long time. At least that's what he thought he wanted. looking back, he wanted more than to just survive. He wanted to live.

To have fun. To have a family. He accepted long ago that no one would want him, because he was quirkless. But Hitoshi, Rick, Himiko, and the rest of the orphan co. They don't care that he's quirkless. They care about him, the real him.

A quirkless street kid who only wants the best for them and himself. The orphan co. was worth everything to Izuku. They were his friends, his family, his world. And he will do anything to make sure he doesn't lose his family, EVER AGAIN!!!

"Izuku, you coming?" Hitoshi asked, as he was holding the door open.

"hun?" Izuku shook his head, he must have gotten lost in thought. "Oh yeah, I'm coming." Izuku jogged over to the door, flashing a smile at Hitoshi, who gave him a small smile.

Yeah, the orphan co. was worth everything. Izuku intended to make sure he kept them at any cost. Even if that meant his life. He would NOT. lose. his. family. again.

The Orphan Co. [Quirkless Izuku AU]Where stories live. Discover now