Chapter 1 (part one)

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''Come on, enter the paradise resort,, thousands of teenagers join us every summer, so why dont you? Making new friends, finding awesome jobs and having your hotel right near the sea, so you can hang out with your friends, surf, have bonfires and much, much more''

I was in my room, watching the holiday theme video for the thousend time, I was just so excited, it was finally the day I leave. I threw some clothes along with some other stuff in the bag and finished up packing. Lets just leave the fact I'm mentally screaming!

Wait, that's not only mentally.


We've finally made it, I stepped out of the bus, that stopped in front of a long pier, where the seagulls were chilling

''Dude I'm here! I'm fucking here! And it's fricking awesome!'' A guy from the same bus as me yelled into his phone, kneeling and kissing the pier ''How are things down at the town? Yeah, I know L.A.M.E'' I laughed at him, cocky much? But I dont blame him, who wouldnt be excited to be here.

A blonde chick came from the bus too, she was talking on the phone with someone and they were talking about Surf fest.

Yeah, Surf fest is the 'event' here, the 'thing' we will be learning to surf for.

My phone buzzed, seeing Lucy aka. My best friend is calling me. ''Lucy omg, It's just like the video, there are surfers everywhere *cought * hot ones *cought * I litterally squicked into the phone from the  excitment, she let out a sigh ''Gotta go babe I think the bus is coming'' I put my phone back to the pocket and joined the other two.

''What the heck is that?''  I think all of our jaws feel to the floor, the most silliest bus came

''Oh god, what lame bus'' the blonde slapped her forehead

A guy with dreadlocks came out ''Dudesss, All aboard for Paradise hotel, a surfers dream!'' He motioned with his hand.

''I-I think that's our bus'' I said



''Indie? Indie!'' I slowly opened my eyes, seeing I was laying on the couch, covered of pizza boxes

''I cant believe it! One day and you manage to crash the place!'' my brother moved the curtains from the windows

I growled ''It was just a little party Tyler, the maids will clean it before dad and mom come home'' I took a look at him ''No, do-''

He moved another curtain and I saw his reflection in the window and he was shocked and angry at the same time.

''Cups everywhere, food everywhere, every single thing in this suit is moved!'' he turned the tv on ''I'm thinking you might want to take a look at this'' he nodded at the tv screen

''The legendary suit of the owner of the Paradise hotel was teared up and down. Teenagers were blasting music, yelling, dancing like there was no tomorrow...''

I quickly stood up, having an 'O' shapped mouth

''… And it all happed when Mr. Gaskarth wasnt home! His daughter Indie made a true mess out of this...''

''Oh no, no no, no'' I held my head

''Wait, Is that a car in the pool?'' My brothers eyes widend

''Oh my god my mini cooper, dad's gonna kill me!'' after a moment ''Is there any chance daddy wont find out about this?''

''What do you think?'' he crossed his arms and left.

Mark these words. FUCK MY LIFE.


''I'm Johnny, I'm the hotel's bus driver'' The hippie looking guy said as he was steering the wheel

''I'll give you the ride of your life every -NO, wait that just sounds perverted, sooooo you bras here for the surf?'' he quickly changed the subject

''Definitly!'' the guy said

''Oh man, I'm so happy! '' that guy shouted and opened the window like in some movie ''WOOHOO!'' his hair was flowing in the wind ''I think it might be raining'' he came back in and me and the blonde chick started dying of laughter

''That, THAT is not rain'' she nearly said between laughing, he touched his hair and found pigeon poop, he slapped his forehead.


The phone rang ''DO NOT ANWSER IT!'' I pulled a ninja move on my brother

''Woops'' he pushed the button and I gave him a death glare

''What the hell is going on in my hotel?!'' Dad yelled

''Oh daddy hi, I just had a few friends over, no worries''

''Oh yeah right, the news reporter said there were 10.000 teenagers IN MY HOTEL, more importantly in my suit last night, care to explain?''

''No, dad reporters blow up things up, that is totally not true, I just had a few friends over''

''I just hope you're telling the truth, I'm coming home today at six'' and with that he hung up


''Tyler, Im fucked'' I put my head in my palms

''Your party days are over'' he smirked

''Please, I'll just have Tamara and the other maids clean up this mess, by the time they get home everything will be perfect'' I crossed my arms

''The maids wont be able to clean all this shit alone''

''Please Tyler, that's what the other staff is for, I'll just go to the spa'' I flipped my hair


The bus *

''This is it'' Johnny the hippie said, we were all literally glued to the windows. We stopped and grabbed our bags, making our way to the entrence. We saw a guy with blonde curly surfer hair coming up to us.

''Ughhh what time is it?'' he yawned

''Two minutes till twelve '' Aaron, the guy from the bus said

''Oh man I slept in'' he yawned, but his eyes widened when he saw us two, Rosie and me, he looked at us from head to toe ''Girls that I've never seen before, whatsss upppp?'' he half hugged us

''Rought night?'' Rosie laughed

''No doubt'' he streched again.

We made our way in the hotel and the others followed.

''Oh'' I started

''My'' Rosie continued

''God'' Aaron stated

 A/N - I promise, things will get better and more logical :)

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