Chapter 2

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''You're the owners daughter?!'' he nearly choked


''And you'll be working here?''

''Yup'' I said popping the p and looking at my nails


''This is seriously the hardest day of my life'' Aaron growles

''Isnt this when we go surfing ?'' Aaron asks

''Too tired'' Rosie lays on the couch, we nod

''Come on guys, we made it till now'' 

''He's right guys, who knows when we'll get a free hour again'' I incurage

''Okay, I'm in'' Rosie smiled

''Cool'' Joshua points his thumbs up

We went to our rooms and saw the other maid packing ''I'm leaving, the boss fired me, it's all yours'' she left the room. Should I be happy or sad, I mean who wants to sleep in this room alone? It's some scary shit, just saying. I moved my stuff in Rosie's room.

We went to the cabin for our surfboards were, there was something wrong with Rosie's one so Joshua helped her and me and Aaron walked to the beach alone. 

''I'll catch the first wave'' Aaron said proudly

''Is that a bet I hear?'' I smirked, he pulled out his hand so we can make a bet

''Oh good, you're here'' Joseph came ''I need you two to help me tonight?

''To what?''

''No, I'm not-'' Aaron shook his head

''Of course we will Aaron'' I nudged him

And with that we found ourselfs sitting in a hallway, making sure it was all in order

''This sucks, we're BABYSITTING a hallway'' he put his head in his arms, going through his hair, I laughed at him

Did I say he was extremly attractive already? No.No.No, Lauren you came here to surf not to have some summer romances or what should I call them, wait what now I'm actually thinking I have a chance with him?

Sometimes I really hate that voice in my head.

'' I'm bored'' I say

''Let's play a game'' Aaron smirked

''I dont know if I should trust you Aaron, you seem pretty creepy with that perverted smile on your face'' he actually laughed at that ''But okay, what game?''

''Truth or Dare'' he smirked again. Damn why does he do that? ''Okay, you start'' 

''Truth or Dare''

''Truth'' he says careless

''Did you ever have any gay moments in your life, Aaron?'' I only added Aaron to the end to piss him off.

''Yes, me and Danny once...'' my eyes widened ''Just kidding, no'' he laughed ''My turn'' he smirked again ''Truth or dare?''


''Okay, I dare you to knock on someones door and if a guy comes out, talk about how your night together was so 'fun' '' 

Why the hell did I even say dare? 

I went to some random door, hoping there will be some woman opening the door, but hey you know my luck, there was a guy, but that's not all HE WAS 13 YEARS OLD, great now I'm a pedophile.

''Hey'' I say seductively ''You know, last night was pretty awesome'' I winked ''You were great at it'' I leaned on the doorframe

''You were in my group last night when we were playing cards?'' the kid asked and I saw Aaron pissing himself

''Uh yeah, gotta go bye'' I ran to Aaron ''I. hate. you'' I was catching my breath from the running

''You should have seen yourself!'' he continued laughing ''Okay, I'm done'' he said after a few minutes, but when he saw my face he started laughing again. 

We played the game for awhile, but then decided to go to the hotel's cafeteria and bought some slushies, I ordered the strawberry one and Aaron the blueberry one

''Haha, your tongue is pink'' he teased and showed his tongue

''Well yours is blue'' I rolled my eyes and smiled 

''Want to make it purple? he winked

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2013 ⏰

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