Chapter 1 (part two)

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We stopped at the reception.

''It's definitly not what I expected'' I said

''It's not that clean'' Rosie added

''I havent even started to clean the outside yet'' a maid who was walking past us said. We looked outside and HOLD IT, is that a fricken mini cooper in the pool?!

''That's from the party last night, it was so sick'' surfer guy said

''Aw man, I'm loving this place already!'' Aaron said

''Welcome to paradise hotel'' the receptionist, who was a bit older than us said 

''Hey man, I'm Aaron, this is Lauren and Rosie'' he said pointing at us

''Hey, I'm Curt the frontdesk guy'' he laughed. We chatted a little after that. A blonde guy in a uniform came, talking on a phone

''So the chairs need to get repainted, everything must be clean? Absolutly no problem!'' he hung up and smacked his head into the desk ''IF I HAD A WEEK'' we laughed

''Hi, sincere welcome to our hotel, if we can make your stay more comfortable, just let me know, we'll do everything, my name is Joseph by the way'' he smiled in a smarmy way

''A coke would be sweet right about now'' Aaron said and Joseph just nodded

''Khm, sir, they're not guests...'' Curt interupted

''We're the new summer staff!'' Rosie said cheerfully, the guy went uptight in a second

''Then why are you staying in the loby? And you get off that couch!'' he told the surfer guy

''We just got here, I'm Lauren and th ''

''No time for details, follow me'' We walked to the staff room. ''you leave your bags here'' he said

'''Hey hey you, if you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean'' he said to a maid, who was the same age as us.

We started cleaning the mess outside, that so called 'rich' daughter made.

''This sucks'' Aaron complained

''Come on guys lighten up, our rooms will be awesome'' they nodded and we kept cleaning

''So where are you guys working anyway? I'm in the dining room'' Rosie says

''Sweet'' Curt says

''You're looking at the surf instructor of the hotel'' Aaron said, bragging himself

''What the fuck? That's my job!'' I shout

''Uhm, is your name Aaron?''


''Then it's not your job'' he grinned

''That is so unfair! So what am I suppose to do?''

''Let me check'' Curt pulls his phone out ''you're either a maid or on a dining duty''

''Aw man that sucks''

''I can give you surf lessons you know'' he winked and I just rolled my eyes. I've got feeling this summer is going to be even better.

We made our way to the beach to fix some deckchairs and replace some wood for the bonfire.



Tyler and me were looking from our suits balcony. ''Look the chairs are taking care of, but do you know how to get a car from the pool?'' we had a view over the staff working

The heartbreak hotelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang