Babysitter By Day, Dragon By Night

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"Sky where the hell have you been I've been trying to call you for five god-damn minutes!"

I squirmed at Stiles' loud voice and held the phone as far away from my ear as I possibly could.

"Jeez, no need to get your panties in a twist," I muttered starting to walk away from the warehouse. "Now, would you believe me if I said book club?"

Pun definitely intended.

"Funny. And no, no one would."


"Get to Scott's in five minutes. Liam found another chimera," and to think he was considered nice to the minority.

"Not even a please? Where are your manners Biles?" He was about to answer but I did it for him. Saved him the trouble. "I know! Up your ass along with that gear stick."

"Sky. Scott's house. Now." Oh, he was serious.

Or he was trying to be. Sadly I never could be.

"So pushy," I grumbled before getting into Parrishs' car. I put Scott's house into the GPS and Parrish began driving.

I forgot I was still on the call with Stiles but he seemed to love reminding me by making me deaf.

"I heard a door, was that a door? What's going on? Did you just get into a car?! Who are you with? What is that Sky?"

I looked to Parrish who was smiling out of amusement. These days I don't even know who's on my side.

I grinned. "It's Theo."

"I was just with Theo."

He has to ruin the fun.

"It's Brett then."

"Masons with Brett."

"What do you have human tracking devices on the non-human or something?" I questioned because I'm half joking. 

Boy, do I wish I was completely joking. Once we had a whole plan set out and everything. Small devices borrowed from the police department.

Well, the borrowed part is the reason we don't have tracking devices on the non-human because the humans–a.k.a, our fathers found them.

Man, it is just not easy being the kids of cops.

"Fine. It's Parrish," I sighed giving in.

I heard him make a noise like he was about to disagree but then stopped. "Is everything okay?"

Huh, I expected an insult–a small jab at least. "Yeah, we were just figuring out some dragon stuff."

"You're not a–fine," he sighed and even though there was the background noise of him driving I could still hear that something was up.

Stiles had a tell. When someone lies and you can tell when that someone's lying. Maybe it's because I've known him for long enough to know.

"You okay Stilinski?" I avoided Parrish's nosy glances and stayed focused on the call.

"No, are you?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat thinking about that question. "We all aren't." I paused staring at the GPS. Soon I'd be at Scott's. "See you there?"

"Sure Sky."

Sure. Now I don't know what sure means right now because I am nowhere near sure about what Stiles is so sure about.



"Hello!" I yelled as soon as I entered Scott's empty house. "Anybody home?! If this is a prank–"

Blissful Burn ➳ Stiles Stilinski [5]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang