Chapter 5

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Pragya gulped at the sudden realization of how soon she would be practically naked.

While Abhi was still wearing all his clothes.

"Wait." She pushed his hand off her waistband.

He looked at her with concern. "Too fast? Darling, I -"

"No," she said firmly. Her heart was racing and she felt short of breath, but she made an effort to explain what she wanted. "No, it's just, don't I get a turn?" She smiled at him.

"Of course," he said, with a quick grin. "By all means." He pulled away from her so that she could reach for his clothes.

She gathered the bottom of his kurta, getting to her knees so she could lift it off him. He raised her arms to help her, and once she freed him of the kurta, he whisked off his vest.

Pragya eyed Abhi's naked torso in awe. The night he had rescued her at the river bank, she had seen how his wet white tshirt had clung to his fit body. But seeing his rippling muscles bare and up close was a completely different experience.

His arms were lean, but his biceps bulged powerfully, reminding her of how easily he had lifted and carried her twice now. His chest was shaved smooth, his firm pecs looking completely touchable. In a daze, she set her hand over his dark brown nipple. "Oh," she breathed, unable to believe this much male perfection was hers to explore.

"My eyes are up here," Abhi teased. He pulled her to the bed for another kiss. This was more intense than before, now that they were skin to skin, his hard chest hot against her soft breasts. She did her best to keep up with the kiss while her hands wandered over this new uncovered territory, learning the peaks and valleys of his built physique.

She registered some movement from him, and then he broke their kiss to tug off his churidar. She blinked in disbelief as she looked over his lower body.

Rockstar Abhi was in bed with her, wearing nothing but...Spongebob boxers?

Pragya burst out laughing, and Abhi frowned as if his feelings were hurt.

"Hey, I'm not that bad," he started to protest.

She giggled helplessly. "Not you. Spongebob. I'm going to lose my virginity to a man wearing cartoon underpants." Even as she said it, she couldn't quite believe what she said. Being with him was unexpectedly freeing.

"Oh." His eyes got that wicked glint that made her shiver. He rolled her flat onto her back, lying on top of her. He pinned her arms over her head, clasping her hands with his. "I promise, when I'm inside you, you won't be thinking about cartoons."

She blushed and turned her head away, which gave him perfect access to lay hungry kisses on her jaw, and neck, and lower.

He kissed his way down the center of her body. This time, she didn't stop him from loosening her skirt. He slowly dragged it down her legs, watching each inch of her skin become visible until he got the skirt completely off.

Then he trailed his gaze up to meet hers, and she felt the blush on her cheeks as she met his eyes.

"Very hot," he said in a desire-roughened voice that melted her doubts about whether he found her attractive.

Abhi got up briefly to put Pragya's skirt on the chair with her chunni and dupatta. When he came back, he lifted her foot and ran his finger along her payal, causing the little bells to chime as they knocked into each other. "This is cute," he said, and then he pressed a kiss to the sole of her foot.

Unfortunately, the touch was ticklish rather than seductive, and it set her off into a new round of laughter.

He came up beside her again. "If I didn't know better I'd think you were laughing at me," he said, and she could almost hear a pout in his voice.

"No," she promised very seriously. She kissed him to soothe his pique.

And then he was all over her again, his body pressing hers into the mattress, his hands roving everywhere.

Pragya moaned as Abhi started to grind his groin against hers. His erection was hot and hard between them. She could feel herself becoming wet and ready for him.

Distantly she thought that maybe it was going a little too fast. He had promised to go slow, and he had said she could say no if she changed her mind. She hadn't changed her mind, but she did find it too intense and wondered what she should say. She felt a pulse of fear that it would happen too fast and she wouldn't get a chance.

Instinctively, she pushed at his shoulder. He stopped right away, becoming still and careful as he pushed himself up on his arms to look down at her face.

"What happened," Abhi asked, panting for breath. His eyes scanned her face.

Pragya's cheeks heated with embarrassment. "Umm - could you just - could we just -" she faltered, not sure what she even wanted to ask.

He waited patiently, letting her gather thoughts. Cool air rushed between them, helping her think straight.

She reached for his shoulders, pressing up against him. "More of that, just slower?"

He chuckled in relief and pressed down on her again. "Yes, sweetheart."

Abhi rolled them to their sides and started kissing Pragya again. She could still feel his hardness brushing against the top of her thigh. The throb between her legs made her ache for the previous contact, and for a second she regretted putting the brakes on his grinding.

But her brain benefited from the slower pace. She relaxed, getting lost in the sensations again as he kissed her while caressing her arms and torso.

Finally his hand skated down on top of her panties. "Ijazat hai?" he whispered. He kept his hand above the fabric while kissing her throat and chin.

She felt her arousal spiking higher than ever with the gentle pressure of his palm on her lower belly. A pulse of excitement jumped into her throat at the thought of how everything was really happening.

"Haanji," she answered, her voice quiet but clear.

She ran her hands restlessly down his back. A part of her wondered if she should be returning the favour, touching him more intimately, but what he was doing felt too new and intense for her to focus on anything else.

Finally his fingers slipped into her panties, and she gasped at the raw contact of his bare fingertips on her hot, wet flesh.

He groaned as he rubbed one knuckle between her velvety lower lips. "So soft," he muttered. He claimed her mouth with a fierce kiss as his fingers got busy between her legs.

The next minutes passed in a blur of hazy pleasure. She stopped keeping track of what he was doing once he started thumbing her clit. The steady, insistent pressure of his touch ramped up the exquisite electricity jolting up her abdomen and beyond. She felt hot and alive all over, practically thrumming with excitement and life.

She was sure she had never been so turned on, and it felt glorious.

He nuzzled her neck as his hand worked between her legs. His soft hair brushed the underside of her chin, and his breath blew hotly across her throat.

No words passed between them, just heavier and heavier breathing. Now and then when the pleasure surged she let out a gasp. Her gasps started coming closer and closer together.

The thread of pleasure abruptly snapped when he moved his hand and got up. But before she could miss him too much, he was kneeling between her legs, pulling her panties down.

Pragya didn't feel shy for a second, eagerly welcoming whatever came next.

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