The Fifth Chapter

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Weeks had passed since the funeral. Hero still wouldn't leave his room. I stopped eating. I stopped talking. Again. Despite the efforts of Benson, Reid, and Reyes. They tried, I refused. Guilty. I was guilty. She died because I didn't pay attention. In the middle of my self-hate session, Benson came over to me. Asked if he could sit down. I nodded. I was sitting in my usual chair in front of the window. He pulled a chair up next to me. The one Razor used before... We didn't talk. We just sat.

After a while, he left for lunch but I stayed at the window. It started to rain. Followed by thunder and lightning. I couldn't move. Wouldn't move. It was my fault. It was always my fault. Everything hit me like a tidal wave... I stood up and bolted to my room. Can't handle... Need it... Where? I torn apart the bed. Flipped the mattress. There. A hole in the middle; a secret holding place. I grabbed it. Held it to my wrist. Froze. Could I really start this again? Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Pressing down hard, I ran the razor blade over my left wrist. Bit my lip against the pain. Blood began to flow immediately. Then the right. More blood. I dropped the blade, not hearing it clatter to the floor.

I no longer wanted to feel. I was responsible. Why didn't I see? I could hear my father's words. Useless. Pathetic. Maybe he was right. Curious. What did that mean?

I walked through the hall. One hand at my side, the other outstretched and trailing blood on the wall. I felt the blood run over my hands. Drip from my fingers. Lunch was almost over causing people to trickle into the hallway. I barely registered their looks of shock as I drifted by. The screams. I could hear orderlies yelling at me. Some started to run after me. Hearing their footsteps made me break into a sprint. Front door. Shoved it open. I felt the rain hit my skin. The drops freezing cold and hit me like ice. I stopped running. Collapsed to my knees. Growing weak. So very tired. My vision began to fade and the last thing I heard before the darkness took over was Reid and Reyes screaming my name. There was a tone behind it. Behind Reyes' voice as well. Curious.

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