The Second Chapter

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Finally. I found him. He was tucked underneath a magnolia tree, longish black hair blowing in the slight breeze. Arms covered by maroon sleeves today, black jeans hiding his legs. The drawing pad was once again in his hand, the left one working furiously at whatever he was sketching.

"Just come sit."

I was taken aback. How could he have known? I was sandwiched between two green rectangles, completely hidden. I thought. I emerged, sat beside him. Watched. Finally, he looked at me. Then back to his page. A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. I liked that. Reid never smiles. He passed the pad to me. Benson was right.

I sat staring at my own face. It was a drawing of me when I was sitting at the window. Tendrils of hair shadowed part of my face. Sadness soaking what was left visible. It was so lifelike, so real. So beautiful. He had taken his time. I looked back to Reid and noticed something new.

Torment. Pain. Sadness and caution. The emotions swam in the depths of his azure eyes. Also, a jagged scar travelling down the side of his neck, disappearing into his shirt. When I reached out to follow it, Reid jerked back. I blinked. He blinked. We stared. My mouth opened. He left.

That's when I realized it. I was still holding his drawing pad. It gave me an excuse. An excuse to get closer to the mystery that was Reid Brady, and maybe even get him to open up. I was rather curious about that scar. Curiosity killed the cat.

Later, it was lunch time. Razor wasn't talking to me. Angry. That was fine. I didn't feel like talking. To anyone, though Benson tried. He signed to me. Feverishly. That I was too quiet, too sad. I signed back so no one could listen in. Told him that it wasn't his business and to just leave me alone. He did. I went back to the window. Not hungry. 

That night, I lay in bed. I listened to the sounds of other girls snoring, crying, breathing. I rolled to my back and tucked my arms behind my head. My eyes pooled. Cheeks becoming wet. I don't know how long it took, but eventually I fell into a restless sleep.

I could hear him screaming, her sobs. Jamie clung to my waist and I desperately tried hiding him in the broom closet.

"You need to hide, little brother."

He cried, but did as I told him. Just in time as the door slammed open. Drunk as hell, my father stumbled in. Grabbed me, fell over. He swung, the glass vase shattering into a hundred pieces. Sliced my arms. My face.

I awoke, tears streaming down my cheeks. Wipe them away. Get up and get dressed. I hesitate in the bathroom, running my fingers over the thick, welted scars. Pink. Angry. Ugly. I pulled down my sleeves and left for my usual seat at the window.

"Can I have my drawing pad?"

I jerked, turned around. Reid stood behind me wearing emerald sleeves today. Azure eyes red rimmed. I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"I don't have it on me. It's in my quarters."

"Then go get it."

I stood and left. Don't want to. Rather than retrieving his sketch pad, I left the Center and journeyed into the garden. I inhaled deep, smelling the lilac and honeysuckle. A small smile cracked my mask. Until he appeared. Reyes. I froze. He stared. Walked towards me. I swore my heart stopped. He was even more beautiful up close. He leaned in. Brushed a finger down my cheek.

"You look beautiful when you smile."

He pulled away. Umber eyes bore into mine a bit longer, then he was gone. I was confused. Worried. But mostly, happy. For the first time in a long time, someone had made me smile. Reyes. Curious-er and curious-er. Curiosity killed the cat.

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