Ultimatum (Daemon)

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I wake the next morning in the dungon of the red keep. I was dragged there after Visery's belittled my love and I. I sit up from the dirt only to see the King standing on the other side of the bars. 

"Do you wish to see Rheanyra thrive?" He asks me but it feels hollow. 

"Brother, I wish nothing more." I state my voice hoarse and mouth dry.

"Then leave." He says sounding more like a sugesstion than a demand. 

"I prommised her I would not." I respond unwilling to break that promise. 

"Then I shall have no choice but to take her titles and send her to driftmark to marry Leanor and live under the protection of the sea snake." He says looking at me coldly. 

"So you want me to either break my promise or condem her to a life she will hate?" I ask hoping that the king will realize he is hurting his daughter. 

"She will be married in two moons and having you here will not make that easy. For her or me." he tries to explain. 

"Why do you wish to cause her pain and chain her to a man she will not enjoy?" I question him. 

"Her enjoyment is of no consequence. She has duties and she needs to fufill them." He states firmly.

"Did you ever intend to let her choose a suitor?" I continue to interiguate.

"Within reason." He snaps.

"So anyone but me?" I retort.

"Why do you want her Daemon?"

"I had a taste and starve for more." I state unable to control the smirk on my face. 

"You disgust me." he claims ready to leave the cell. 

"Why are you so against the union? You know I will protect her. You know she will be happy. And you know the two of us can return thr Targeryan name to it's former glory. I never wanted your throne brother. I only wished you would see me as more than a fuck up. Rheanyra looks at me with understanding and admiration no matter my actions. And I look at her and see the woman I would gladly kneel to and cut off my cock if it so pleased her. You're so willing to send her off to her cousin, but the thought of me taking her to wife disgust you?" I proclaim giving the king a taste of my feelings for the Princess. 

"You watched her grow Daemon. You held her as a babe. The thought disgust me because It forces me to wonder if you thought of her this way when she was but knee high sitting on your lap and playing alone with you in the courtyard. It forces me to wonder if she were truley a maidden before you were seen ruining her. You want me to look at you as more than a fuck up then stop doing things that anger me so. You should let her go and let her take a husband that will respect her. If you do not, I will be forced to excile you from kingslanding and westeros." He says and I give in. 

"As you wish brother. Just let me say goodbye." 

"You have until dawn to leave on your own accords before I have you removed from westerose and sent to the stepstones." He states before retreating.

Once i am released, fed, and bathed, I make my way to see my little dragon. She is still secluded to her room as her bleeding has not stopped. I am granted a few moments alone with the woman to say goodbye.

"How are you little dragon?" I ask her in velerian before sitting next to her and resting my hand on her belly.

"Better now that you are here." She responds quietly.

"I cannot stay long my love. I have to leave kingslanding." I say seeing hurt break across her face.

"But you promised." She whimpers and I reach up to touch her face. 

"I know little dragon. I did not plan to leave you. I have no choice little one. I wish more than anything to stay with you." I try to explain as tears flood her eyes. 

"Then take me with you." She request sitting up fully whencing from the pain. 

I stopp her and lay her back against her bed. "My love you are in no condition to travel. I won't be gone forever my dear. Just long enough to let the whispers quiet."

"Let them whisper. Maybe if they talk too much father will give in and let us wed." She protest. 

"My little dragon if I am not gone from kingslanding by dawn then I will be exiled from westeros." i admit causing her to gasp. 

"No! It isn't fair. Why would my father do such a thing?" She fits before wrapping her arms around my neck and sobbing into my chest my own tears falling into her hair. 

There is a nock on the door and a Knight enters the room. "i must go now my little dragon. We will see each other again soon." I say before begining to walk away. 

"I will hate you for leaving me again Daemon." She claims in the common tongue causing my heart to break as I leave her room.

I will hate myself for leaving you little dragon.

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