The Beauty Before Me (Daemon)

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"Come my love. Come see your new keep." I say helping the woman from the small bed I had crafted to give her a place of rest while the large building was crafted.

"Husband, it is a miracle I can leave this bed in my condition." She says slowly working her way to her feet."And now you wish for me to climb the steps?"

I smile at her and swoop her into my arms and off the ground. "My love, I will carry you up any steps and over any distance to see you comfortable and spoiled." She smiles as I carry her to our home. Her face saddenes and that makes me sad. Once inside, I set her on her feet and drop to my knees before her kissing her belly. I look up at her and see her smiling softly. "What pains your mind my love?"

"I miss my father. I feel alone here and cannot believe how much I miss the devotion of the ladies that would follow me through the yard."  She confesses as I stand to pull her into a hug.

"Do you want to return to the red keep?" I ask her causing her to shake her head.

"No my love. But I do wish for our child to be born on dragonstone so he may lay with an egg like I did and you did." She explains and I nodd in approval.

"Can I at least show you our rooms before we go?" I ask and she laughs.

"My love we can stay 7 nights or until the pains begin. Once they do it may be difficult for me to fly." She responds and I take her in my arms kissing her gently before sweeping her off her feet and climbing the stairs. I stops us outside of a door and open it to reveal a grand room.

"I intend to have people here eventually and I know society believes even though we are married we should sleep in different beds. So, I made this room to avoid prying eyes and keep you close to me every night." I say walking into the lavish room walking to a portion of the wall and pushing it to reveal my own bedroom. She follows me through and looks around in awe of the space.

"You make one room so lavish and the other so simple. Which may I ask do you expect me to spend my time in?" She ask looking up at me smiling.

"My dear I do not need a lavish room because I plan to spend my nights kneeling before my queen." I say and her smile widens before she kisses me.

"Let me run you a bath my dear. It will release the weight of the babe." I sugest earning a nod and a hum of approval.

The tub I had fashioned for her was large enough for us both so I filled the tub full of hot water and helped her undress and sink in.

"This is a wonderful change from the cold ocean we've been using." She states and I smile. I drop to my knees and wash her gently.

"Would you mind if I joined you my love?" I asked egar to feel her skin on mine.

"It would please me so." She says and I stand stripping my clothes and sliding into the bath behind her. She rest her head against me and I wrap my hands around her swolen belly rubbing little circles on her skin.

I nuzzel my face against her hair and we stay like this soaking until the water runs cold and a maid brings in wine and towels.

We dress in our night clothes and sip the wine while admiring the view from the balcony my arms wraped gently around her as we do.

"Will he be furious with me?" She asks me and I know exactly what she wants to know.

"My love, he may be angry at our actions but I believe your safety and your condition will be the highlight of your meeting." I state hoping to reassure the woman.

"Do you think he will come to dragonstone when he hears we've landed?" She asks turning to face me.

"I can send a raven and invite him if you wish. I know you would like him there when the babe is born." I say and she hums in approval laying against my chest.

I move us to the bed and lay her down crawling between her legs to talk to and kiss her belly. "Boy or girl you will be loved and cherished. A fine knight or a lovely lady. Either way you will be a fierce dragon rider and adored by most feared by all." I tell the belly feeling the babe kick and move inside of my wife.

"Dragon, you should consider that this child is of pure Velarian blood and a Targeryan. If it is born without a cock she may still  Wield a sword better than even you." The woman before me states firmly earning a chuckle from me.

"Then cock or not I will fear the day they pick up a sword!" I proclaim moving to my place at Rheanyra's side.

We hold each other for a few moments before sleep takes us both.

Falling for a Targaryen  (House of the Dragon Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora