The 8th Child

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Summary of the 5 years between chapters:

Aegon (15), Heleana (13), Jace (13), Rhaena (11), Beala (11), Luke (10), Joffrey (8), Aegon (5), and Visenya(5) all reside aat the keep. 

Alicent remains in Oldtown, a stranger to her children. 

Viserys has good days and bad but spends most sipping on milk of the poppy leaving the duties of the kingdom in the hands of Rheanyra and Daemon creating a strong bond between the Heir and her people. 



"Quickly Daemon. We have to be at this dinner. Father will be there and so will the children." I tell him as he hikes my skirts up bending me over the table in the council room. 

"I cannot help it My Queen it turns me on watching you tell people how things will be." He says running his fingers through my slick. 

"I am not complaining. I am telling you to cum quickly." I tell him bracing the table as he pushes into me. 

"You feel so good that will not be an issue. Your grace." He says thrusting into me earning a string of moans as he does.

He quickens his movements and earns a strong and wet orgasam from me tipping him over the edge and making him spill into me as I squirt on the council room floor. 

"Gods Rheanyra. Good thing you married me or there would be no doubt about our activities in private." He says as he pulls away from me. 

"Let them all see how good you make me feel." I tell him fixing my gown as I take Daemons hand and drag him toward the dining hall. 

6 Months


"This is the last time Daeomon. I am nearly 30 and 2 and I cannot keep ppushing out children. i feel weak and tired. Once I am Queen, I will not have the time to push out more." She tells me soaking in the warm tub. 

"I can agree with that my love. I told you I would never force you to carry my children. Though, I am impressed by the seven children we do have." I tell her washing her back gently hoping to sooth the pain by putting pressure to her back. 

"I have been blessed with our children my love. As I have been blessed with you. I would not change that for the world. I just don't want to have any more. I do still want you to fuck me." She says laughing and resting her head to my chest. 

"That can be arranged. We can avoid pregnancy. I can spill outside of you or you can take the tea once every few days to prevent it. There are more perminate options neither of which are pleasent." I tell her and she lookd at me.

"What are the perminate options?"

"Well, I can have my sack removed. That would be highly unpleasent. They have also been using methods in brothels to keep women from getting pregnant by burning or stiching the cervix shut. This can be done any time with a lot of pain but the easiest and least painful would be after child birth." i explain and she looks back at the water before turning to me. 

"Can a Maester stich the cervix?" 


"Can you arrange it to be done when the babe comes?"


"Can. You. Arrange. It?"

"I can."

"Then do."

9 Months


The babe comes quick. The pains easy and the labor short. The babe falls from my body just before the Maester and midwife arrives with Daemon. "Another son Husband. He should be called Viserys." I state firmly as he comes to hold me up as I found myself in a standing position when the boy decided to come. 

"A wonderful name my dear." He says holding me as the afterbirth comes. 

"To the bed princess. I need to assess your condition to see if we should burn or stitch." The maester said following Daemon and I to the bed. 

A few weeks prior he explained in some cases burning the uterus is better to do after birth for fear of infection. I agreed to the treatment either way. 

"It isn't too late to change your mind Little Dragon." Daemon says holding my hand as the maester examins me. 

"No. I want to do this." I tell him and the master grabs his tools. 

"The best option is to burn now and stitch once the bleed stops." He says and I nodd as a made brings a red hot prod to the maester. "This will be quite painful."

"I am the blood of the Dragon. Fire cannot pain me." I say feeling the prod enter me burning my insides. 

I hold a straight face as the man carterizes my flesh inside the sensitive area of my person. The procedurer is long and excruciatingly painful. the maid had to reheat the prod multiple times as the maester worked. 

Daemon couldn't even look at what the man was doing. His eyes were fixed on my face as I breathed through the pain. I feel like my body has been torn in two. 

Daemon sits on the bed with my head in his lap stroking my hair speaking softly in Valaryan as he tells me storries of Aegon and Visenya and the great Conquring. 

"I would do it again." I say interupting him. 


"I would get burned all over again knowing the pain if it ment getting to pleasure you." i confess looking up at the man. 

"I would never ask you to do that again. I didn't want you to do it in the first place. I would have rathered have my balls cut off before ever having to see that again."

"I like your balls where they are." I tell him before sitting up and kissing him gently. 

"You should sleep my love. You have been through a lot today."

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