4. Grand affair

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Third person's Pov.

As Irene slowly emerged from sleep, she found herself cocooned in Greggy's embrace. His arms held her securely, and as she glanced at his peaceful face, she couldn't help but be struck by his undeniable handsomeness.

His features seemed sculpted to perfection, and in that moment, her disdain for Greggy momentarily vanished, eclipsed by his magnetic presence.Her gaze lingered on him, a part of her mind surrendering to the fantasy of genuine affection. It was a dangerous thought, one she knew she shouldn't entertain. But as she lay there, nestled against him, a whisper of longing trickled through her thoughts.

"If only everything is true," she mused silently, a flicker of yearning clouding her resolve. The desire for authenticity, for a genuine connection, seeped into her consciousness. In that fleeting moment, she wished that the charade they lived wasn't just for show, that their feelings weren't merely a performance.

A surge of hope surged within her, a wish that their apparent affection might be real, transcending the fabricated facade they maintained. "I hope that we don't have to pretend to love each other," she silently pleaded in her heart, her thoughts betraying the depth of her yearning for something more genuine, something beyond the pretense they upheld.

However, even as these thoughts danced in her mind, Irene knew the precariousness of such desires. She carefully disentangled herself from Greggy's embrace, returning to the reality of their arrangement, steeling herself against the vulnerability of hoping for something real in a relationship built on pretense. With a sigh, she resigned herself to the act they had to uphold, burying the longing for genuine affection deep within her.

As I gazed at him, lost in my thoughts, he suddenly quipped, "Baka matunaw ako ah." His words jolted me, and for a split second, I questioned if he had been feeling this way all along. I couldn't help but lightly slap his arm, my heart racing with a mix of surprise and excitement.

"Good morning, love," he greeted me, and his words sent a thrilling shiver down my spine. My cheeks must've turned the color of a ripe tomato, but I couldn't let my emotions show. "What? Love? Asa ka no, we're just doing this for show," I retorted, attempting to maintain composure. But deep down, I wished fervently that our charade wasn't just an act. I hoped against hope that there was something real blossoming between us because, truth be told, I was starting to fall for him.

Irene's pov.

The first time Greggy introduced me to his parents, I felt a surge of nerves dance through me. Meeting the family is always a big step, isn't it? His parents were kind, warm, and welcoming—everything you'd hope for in your partner's family. I remember their smiles, their stories, the way they made me feel like I belonged.

But what they didn't know was that everything they saw, every story I shared, every laugh we exchanged, was part of a carefully constructed facade. Greggy and I weren't what they thought we were. We weren't in love, planning a future together, or building the foundation for a life side by side.

I played my part, smiled at his parents, engaged in conversations as if I were genuinely invested in their son. Yet, behind closed doors, Greggy and I were distant, barely connecting on any meaningful level. Ours was a relationship of convenience, a pact to keep up appearances.

I grappled with guilt every time his parents praised me, their eyes sparkling with affection. They were investing their love and hopes in a story built on deceit. I never wanted to deceive them or hurt them, but I found myself entangled in this web of lies.

The evening at Greggy's parents' home was filled with an air of sophistication, as Dona Emma, a fashion icon, and Don Luis, a renowned architect, welcomed me with open arms. The tastefully decorated living room reflected their refined taste, setting the stage for an unforgettable night.As we settled into conversation, Dona Emma's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she shared insights into the world of fashion.

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