Arrival And All That

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When they landed, Jamine was honestly very exited to see an old factory building off in the woods. If they would give him permission, he could train some tricks there for sure. However, so far this was the only positive thing he saw right now, how wonderful.

As they were told to take their luggage and exit the helicopter, Jamine didn't even listen and just did what the other's were doing. Soon, they were led through hallways into the room of the recruits for the SAS, since every sub-group would get their own bunch of recruits. A few senior operators would look through different militaries and choose the ones most promising for the different groups. Sure, they would still do group exercises with all recruits, but this way they could get a more personalized experience. Yet, this whole thing meant stress for the different military groups in the Rainbow organization because they had to take notes and file reports. Bigger teams like the SAS, GSG9 or GIGN never had much of an issue, but the smaller units were a different story. At the end all those reports were handed to Harishva Pandey, who then reviewed them with the older operators like Kaid, Thatcher, Kapkan and Ash. Well, Ash and Kapkan were mostly only part of the round because they primarily coordinated group exercises.

And yes, Jamine would have to memorize all of it since he could need it in the future. Even if it probably wasn't the case here, Jamine liked building hierarchies in his head, because it made things so much easier to process. Right now, Harishva was at the top with the round of people discussing which recruits would stay one layer below, then the other people probably being ranked by age and experience.

Sitting down on his bed with a sigh, Jamine slid the bag under the lower bunkbed and thought about what to do with his free time. Should he try to get to know the people or at least wander around the base? Maybe. So he got up and cracked his back, starting to wander off and noticing the wide variety of people here. They were chatting and had seemingly split up in groups between male and female. Even if it was a bit noisy, Jamines ears picked up a sound that stuck out to him.

"Ey mate, how are ya? New face, right?" someone walked up to the Scott, a thick Australian accent weighting on his words. "Yes, indeed. I believe you are responsible for the Australian recruits?" Jamine simply replied and watched as the short guy shook his head. "Nah, no one's comin' over. So we got put t'gether with the SAS troup." the Australian grinned, but knew that Jamine wasn't exactly the guy to vibe with such energy. "how lovely..." Jamine calmly sighed "I am Jamine." he then added and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants. "I'm Max Goose, op name's Mozzie." Max then introduced himself again, just as enthusiastic as before.

Alone from the way he walked and talked, Jamine could easily figure out his personality. Max was like an open book, easy for Jamine or any other person to read. It, however, appeared that the Australian was having difficulties with understanding Jamines behavior and feelings. This was good. Jamine never wanted anyone to be able to read his feelings more than he wanted to let it happen. It takes him time to open up to people or display emotions more openly.

"Say, do you know if the old factory around 100 meters away from here is part of this complex?" Jamine eventually broke the silence, Max staying quiet for a bit. "You mean the.. Uhm.. blast furnace facility? I suppose ya can go there since it just kinda came with the property and Harry didn't say anything about it being sold. So in your free time you can go there, sure." Max then said after a while and smiled as he asked "Why do ya even wanna know anyway? Plan on running away?".

"No. I flew drones as a hobby when I was a teenager and I do agility training which I try to connect to stealth training." Jamine explained coldly, his voice showing minor offense that someone would assume he'd run away. "Oh, okay. Well sorry then?" the smaller one just answered somewhat cluelessly.

Jamine hoped he wouldn't have to participate in multiple conversations, except for them being very necessary. Talking to people was a hard task for him to do, especially if they're strangers to him. Multiple years of deprivation of social contact kind of made socializing hard, even if that was far back when Jamine was a kid. The wounds eventually heal, scars fade, but the experience stays. Forever. It wasn't like Jamine hadn't taken therapy into consideration before, but the problem was just too minor to take care of in his every day life. In the military you don't need lengthy conversations and usually Jamine stayed in the comforting atmosphere of his home. Now, however, things seemed to get a lot more social for him.

"Hello? Earth to Jamine, it's dinner time." the voice of the Australian ripped him out of his thoughts like a strong current that Jamine couldn't fight. "Hm? What? Okay." the Scott stammered and started heading to the cafetería of the complex. Six, or Harry as he wanted the recruits and operators to call him, had described how to get to the most important rooms during his little speech. Of course Jamine also studies a small, printed out map he gave each group just to find himself around better.

Dinner was calm, Jamine just taking his plate with some food, thanking the staff member and sitting down on a chair at a small table at the far end of the big room. It was noisier than usual since there were now many more people become of the recruits.

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