Chapter 5

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We arrived at the pizza place and are quickly seated in a booth. The waitress, who obviously fancied Micky starts to flirt with him as she hands us the menu's. Under the table I feel Micky's hand begin to stroke my leg. The waitress returns with our drinks to see Micky's arm around me, she shoots me a dirty look. Chelss begins to laugh. "What's so funny?"Greg asks her. She shakes her as the waitress was still there. She left. "Well, the waitress gave Lauren a dirty look cause Micky has his arm round her" Chelss blurts out along with giggles of laughter. Micky starts to turn red. "Awww Micky you okay?" Demi asks. Micky rolls his eyes in Demi's direction. Our laughter was interrupted by the waitress returning once again. "So, do I get my kiss then?" Micky says to me purposely trying to annoy the waitress. Zoe's hand shoots across Dan's mouth as he is about to burst out laughing at the waitresses face. "Thanks" Zoe says as the waitress places our pizza down and leaves. She removes her hand from across Dan's mouth. Letting his laughter out, Dan digs into the pizza. Micky and I roll our eyes.

We finish our pizza and pay. We all leave and its already dark outside. "Its nearly 8 we better get you home or your mum will go mental!"Greg says with his fingers tightly interlocked with Chelss' fingers. I shivered In the coldness. We finally arrive at my house I invite everyone in so they aren't kept out in the cold.

Micky and I retreat to the kitchen to make everyone a hot chocolate. We started to mess around before we were stood so close to each other, I stared up at Micky, our eyes fixated on each other. Our lips about to meet. "How long does it take?" Dan says popping his head round the door. He quickly leaves knowing he had interrupted something .........

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