she's on my mind

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Staring at the floor in the canteen, I begin to zone out. I often do this. It's my happy place, I think about everything apart from this pathetic place. Prison. It really sucked. The days start to drag, the weeks are slow, and the months are agonising. I can't even remember how long iv been in here, all I know is that it's felt like an eternity.

I lift my head to see the whole reason why I'm in here, who also just so happens to be the love of my life. Alex, she's so perfect. She always looks surprisingly cute in her prison clothes, it brings out her amazing curves. And damn her long black hair and glasses make her look even more attractive.

"hey Alex" I shout, hoping to get her attention but she doesn't notice. She's waiting to get her food, so I'll talk to her later. I continue to gaze at her beautiful self. Gosh Im so lucky, she doesn't deserve me. At all.

I go back to staring at the floor as I rethink the past. I remember when we was together before, I was so happy. Life was so full of excitement and adventure. But I screwed things up. I broke her heart. I hurt her, and for that I will never forgive myself. I left her, and soon after I went under denial of being gay and got engaged to an idiot called Larry. We was together for ages, we could have gotten married! Damn, that would have ruined my life forever. I'm so happy were not together anymore, if it wasn't for Alex I still would be in a depressing relationship, full of self hate and denial. I shake my head, trying to clear my mind.

"Hey Pipes, what's on your mind?" I hear a sweet voice say. I blush, as I look up to see Alex sitting down opposite me. She places her food tray on the table and goes to hold my hand. "you look troubled, Piper" she says, squeezing my hands in comfort. I shrug it off and tell her I'm fine, but she knows I'm lying.

She leans forward and tucks a hair behind my ear before she kisses my neck. I smile, I love it when she does that. She whispers in my ear "you can tell me anything, Piper, you know why? Because I fucking love you, you hear me? and you're the most precious thing on this earth." A tear starts to form in my eyes. It's so tough being in prison. I want to go on dates with Alex and make out in the back of the cinema. Eat Chinese food whilst hugging and watching Game Of Thrones. We could go on long romantic walks on the beach, go star gazing and everything. But I can't, because we're stuck in this dump for a year.
Alex wipes the tears from my eye and smiles
"I heart you" she says, gazing into my eyes
"I heart you to" I whisper, before kissing her beautiful lips.

We start to talk about what we're gonna do when we leave this place. Alex says she wants a bulldog named Malvo, like from the series Fargo. I laughed, she was so obsessed with that TV shows. I start telling her how I want a cat named Violet or Gandalf. We want a big house by the beach, it would be so relaxing, hearing the waves at night.

After we continue our conversation and after she finishes eating, Alex puts her rubbish in the bin "I'm heading down to library if you need me baby" she smiles, before giving me a hug and walks away.
I carry on eating my yogurt that Red gave me, and continue to daydream about leaving this place.

I hear voices behind me, I don't pay any attention to who it is, people constantly come in and out of the canteen, but for some reason the voices are making me shaky and i cant really put why. I stand up to go put my rubbish in the bin when I hear giggling behind me. I think I know who it is, and I start to get scared, I feel in danger.

Suddenly, a piece of cloth is tied around my mouth. I try to scream Alex's name but my screams are muffled. When I try to turn around to see my attacker, something hits me hard in the face. I start to go dizzy, my head feels like its going to explode. And then, everything goes black.

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