heaven is hell

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I take out a book from the shelf. I love the library and the smell of new books, and the fact that it's the only quiet place in this goddamn prison. I take out a book and start to read the blurb.
I hear footsteps heading towards me, it's probably Poussey, she usually works in the library and keeps the book shelves nice and tidy.

"hey, Alex?" I hear an unsure voice behind me. When I turn around I see Poussey stood there, looking rather uncomfortable. Her eyes were filled with concern, as though something terrible had happened.
"hey, what's up?" I ask, giving her a hug. I'v never seen her like this.

"it's just that..um..just go to the showers, you'll see why" she mumbles, looking shamefully at the floor. I look confusingly at her, raise one armpit and sniff.
"I don't smell that bad do I?" I say.
She looks up and says "no, no, no. not cause of that, it's Piper, she's in trouble." she's looking me in the eye. This was serious.
"what do you mean she's in trouble? How do you know this?" I ask, I was really confused as I'd just seen piper.
"I was going to get a shower but Leanne wouldnt let me in, she was blocking the door. When I asked her why she said Pennsatucky had something to sort out. When she said Pennsatucky I knew shed be up to no good.When I peeped around Leanne's shoulder, I could see Piper being kicked in the stomach. I'm a little shaken up, she says if I tell anybody what I saw she would beat me in my sleep, but I think you should go down there as soon as possible before she gets anymore hurt." she says, talking really fast and breathing heavily. She looked scared, so I give her my thanks before telling her everything will be fine.

Gosh, I hate that Pennsatucky, always causing trouble, always getting into mischief. I swear to god when I see her I'll stick the bible up her arse. I clench my fist, full of rage, as I start to run towards the showers. What a bitch. I'v never hated anyone this much before.

When I get there, Pennsatucky is walking out, a grin on her face. "what did you do?!" I scream, pining her against the wall. I spit in the cows face, as she shaked with fear. She doesn't say anything. From within the showers, I hear Piper whimpering. I throw Pennsatucky on the floor, hard, and she lands with a hard thud. I kick her in the stomach before I ran into the room. I'll have to deal with her later.

When I enter, Pipers on the floor, curled up in a ball, shaking, moaning, and crying. The shower was running freezing cold water on her fragile body. She was naked, bruises all over her body. It's breaking my heart seeing her like this.

I pick her up in my arms and lay her down on a towel, as I wrapped her freezing body up, I noticed the bruised ribs, bust lip, and her bleeding nose. Once she's wrapped up, I go get an icepack and tissue off Red that she let me borrow. I pass her the ice pack and she places it on her bust lip, as I gently dab her nose with the tissue, trying to get rid of the blood. She looks sick, and tired. Her skin is pale and she has dark circles under her eyes, whether that's from stress or the punches I'm not so sure.
"I should have been there" I whisper, shaking my head, ashamed of myself.
"I should of helped, but I didn't. I'm a terrible girlfriend." I say, a tear forming in my eye. I hate myself so much. I don't think I can ever forgive myself. It's my fault she's in so much pain.
"Alex, you're here now, that's all that matters." she says, wiping the tear from my eye. I look into her beautiful eyes and smile. I really hope shes going to be okay.

I pick her up in my arms, and carry her back to my bunk, nobody really goes in there. It's more private then Pipers, so she'll get more rest.

I lay her down on my bed, as she moans with relief.
"hey Pipes, you okay? You should get some rest, I'll come back later to check on you, just get some rest, okay?" I say, brushing my hand against her face.
"please don't leave me" she says, holding my hand against her face. She was pulling a sad face, so I sit at the end of her bed. She sits up to.

"How much do you love me, Alex?" She says, gazing into my eyes.
"This much" I say, as I kiss every part of her face. She giggles, which makes happy, she has the cutest laugh ever.

All of a sudden I hear a deep cough behind us, we turn around to see Pornstache (Mendez). He gives us 'the look' saying we should move or we'll get a shot. We groan, as we head towards the doors, still holding hands.

Runaway Lovers ( Alex Vause and Piper Chapman fanfic, oitnb )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang