Long Travels

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Authers note: sorry guys I haven't updated in foreverrrrr I completely forgot I was writing this! Any ways I hope you guys enjoy :)



it's early hours in the morning when I awaken to the sound of Piper muttering. We haven't stopped driving since yesterday. Well I say we. I actually mean Piper has whilst I napped. I never learned to drive, which is something I should have told Piper before we ran to the van.

The sirens were going off, everybody was on the ground, apart from me and Piper, who were sprinting to the van. She got in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. Without thinking, I got in the drivers seat and closed the door. Piper passed me the keys, then started to adjust her seatbelt. I stare blankly at the keys in my hand and then at the steering wheel. Where the fuck are these meant to go. My cheeks start to go red with both embarrassment and anger. Angry with myself for not thinking this through. This was my stupid idea and yet I can't even drive.
"You have gotttt to be kidding me," Piper sighs. She takes off her seatbelt and runs out of the car, and opens the drivers door. I slide across into the passengers seat as she inserts the keys.
"Have you ever driven before?" I asked, a little suprised that after our previous relationship pre-prison and the time we have been in prison we have never had this conversation before.
"Bitch please, I'v played GTA before" she laughs. My stomach gets punched with a bunch of nerves, as Piper attempts to reverse, hitting some bins in the process. She looks at me mischievously.
"Oops," she laughs. "Now let's go start our life together Alex."

And well that leaves us to where we are now. Driving at 2am, no idea where we're going, but knowing we both have each other. I reach over to hold pipers hand. She turns, giving me that super cute smile that I have always loved, and will never stop loving.
"Where are we going Pipes," I say groggily, rubbing my eyes.
"Home," she whispers, a tear of happiness appearing in her beautiful eyes, as she strokes my cheek.

Home? We have no home. I feel myself start to drift as I think about where she could possibly mean by that, then eventually, I fall into another deep nap.


Let me know guys where you think Alex and Pipers 'home' is going to be and see if you guess correctly in the next chapter ;) I will update asap :P

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