run away with me?

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I fold up a shirt. I hate doing the washing, it's the worst. Not only do I have to deal with Pennsatucky I also have to touch there dirty granny pants. The only good thing about it is that there's not many people.

It's awfully quiet today. When I look up, I realise Pennsatucky and her bible bashing group aren't in here, talking about how she's 'the chosen one'. I laugh thinking about it.

I pull out a chair and sit down. I start thinking about what Piper had told me. She wanted a baby. I'm really happy that she told me, but I don't think I can wait for so long. I can't even remember how long iv got left here, but I know Its more then nine months.

At that moment Nicky walked in. "I got told you got a dodgy washing machine, mind if I stick my screw in it?" she says, laughing. She has such a dirty mind it's funny. I point towards the dodgy washing machine, and she walks over to it. She smiles at me, "I won't be to long" she says, getting to work.

As I start to fold clothes up, Mr Healy walks in. This was unusual. Am I in trouble? He never usually comes in here. I assume Pornstache had told him about my and Piper. Nicky looks at me confusingly, I just shrug in response.
"hey, Alex isn't it?" he says, with his usual fake friendly voice.
"yeah, um what can I do for you Mr Healy?" I ask, slightly confused. When I look down, I notice he isn't wearing any trousers. Just his superman boxer shorts, hella trendy, I chuckle to myself.
"I need you to wash these for me please, Alex, I'v gone and spilt my coffee down my you can see, and um-"
"it's fine Sam" I interrupt. I don't want him standing near me any longer, I think I'm gonna barf. His legs are so hairy I could braid them. I take the trousers off him, and he waddles back to his office.

Me and Nicky burst out laughing, what an idiot.
"then pants though" she laughs, before turning around and closing the washing room door.
"I think I'm done for today then" she says, as she slowly packs up her equipment.

I go to to unfold Mr Healys trousers when something falls onto the floor. It made a loud thud and made me jump. When I go to look onto the floor to see what had fallen, I was shocked to see what I had found. Mr Healy had left his wallet in his trousers! I look back up to see Nicky who had not yet noticed,
"Nicky I need you to go get Piper" I say, my heart pounding in my chest.
"sure" she says, and starts to whistle as she exists the room.

I sit on the floor, my back to the wall. As im sitting, I open up his wallet to find hundreds and hundreds of £50 notes, there's so much money! Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, when I look up I see Piper looking confused at me.

"Nicky said you wanted to see me?" she says, she sounded concerned. When she walks over to me, she see's the money in my hand.
"what the fuck Alex, what did you do?! You're supposed to be in prison, you can't go round stealing money! Where did you get that? Who did you take it from? Alex if you don't hand it back you'll have extra time added, think about the child you promised we could have" Piper said, gosh that woman talks a lot.

At that moment, a great idea appeared in my head. It was a crazy one, and a risky one, but it might just work.

"does Morello smoke?" I ask. Piper looks confusingly at me. It was a random question but a vital one if my plan was going to work.
"what has that got anything to do with this?" she asked.
"just answer me, this is serious. I have an idea" I say.
"yes she does. Why?"

A smile from ear to ear crosses my face. This is perfect.

"well you know that Morello drives the van? We could give her some money if she let us borrow the van. Imagine all the cigs she could buy with this! This is great Piper!" I whisper, but Piper still looks confused.
"why would we want to borrow the van?" she asked.

I stand up, and hold her hands. I look into her eyes and say "Piper, will you run away with me? Let's take the van, get out of this dump and live our lives together" I say, her eyes start to open wide with shock "let's have a child together, bring it up in a house near the beach, it will be perfect. You did say you wanted to do it as soon as possible. Please Piper" I beg as I squeeze her hand, she smiles at me.
"I'd love to Alex!" I go to kiss her, and we both cry with happiness. I didn't think she would agree with it to be honest. I'm kind of scared, this is really risky but if we are successful, our lives will be complete.

We leave the room to go find Morello, and on our way I tell her about Mr Healy and is not so cool underwear!

Runaway Lovers ( Alex Vause and Piper Chapman fanfic, oitnb )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat