The strange cabin

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Groggily opening my eyes, i squint around me to try and find my glasses while still lying down, too tired and too lazy to move. I'v never awoken to the sound of seagulls before.



That can't be right.

I quickly stand out of bed, heart pounding, confused, and a little dizzy from getting up too quickly. I rub my eyes gently, not caring about my smudged eyeliner. Once my eyes start to adjust, I notice I'm in a small room with a tiny window in the corner. The bedsheets were a floral print, sort of like my grandmas. There were lots of frilly pillows and the walls are wooden, but an old vase stood out the most for some strange reason. I couldn't quite see why though. I slowly walk over towards the small window which is placed above a cozy fireplace. As I gaze outside I notice there are no other houses near by, just golden sand and a beautiful blue sea stretching as far as the eye could see. Silver clouds hung in the sky and the warm sun shone brightly on my face.

Where am I?

*Knock knock*

I turn around slowly too see piper smiling at me. I notice she had removed her prison clothes and was now in a pink fluffy dressing gown.
'Man I love you so fucking much Alex but you look like shit,' she giggles. I glance back confused. I look down and notice I'm in some silky silver pyjamas, but they're far to small and only just pass my knees in trouser length.
'Pipes...where are we? I don't recognise this place...only I do with some parts..but I don't at the same time' I whisper, "Wh-where are we?" I repeat again. I must admit not only was I confused as fuck but I felt like I haven't slept in about 8 years.
"Just some old lady's house, you see my friends told me about her before, said she had a real nice house in the middle of nowhere" she looks to the ground "She was bound to die someday, so.....I cut her throat in her sleep," she replies happily, she starts lifting up a mug. "Fancy a cup of coffee?" She smiles at me.


I had no idea how to reply. "Wha-wha-" I stutter as my hands begin to shake.

piper starts to go quiet, her head looking down towards the ground. "You still love me though don't you boo" she whispers. "I did this for us," she giggles

I begin to step away from her slowly, her face looks up, her lips pouting as though this was a game.

"HAHAHAHHAH you absolute twat, I soooooooOOOOO got you!!!!! You should have seen your face! Oh my gosh Alex as if you actually believed me!"

My face starts to go red, the feeling of embaressed and anger rushes through my body.
"Pipes what the actual fuck? Why would you even? Holy cowwwwww" I start to yell, "you're crazy!" I scream, my hands still trembling.

"Alex calm down, I'm guessing you want to know where we reallyyyyyy are, well you se, you know my brothers girlfriend right? Well her friends mum knows somebody who wan-" I start to interrupt her
"Piper I don't give a shit whose house this is tell me are you sure we're safe here? Are we far enough from prison???? They still might find us!!!!! What if they come looking for us!'

"Alex chillllllll," she says, slowly walking up to me, she stops Infront of the bed and gets on her hands and knees, reaching under the bed and pulling out a small red box. She begins to open it, looking up to me and smiles.

She pulls out a CD, and looks up to me and starts to smile again. "You look so confused I love it,"
"I don't understand piper, what's going on.

"This explains everything. Where we are, how we got here, how farrrrr away we are from anything and everything! trust me you're gonna want to see this. You won't believe me if I told you, so hopefully this will. but this place is truly magical..." She says, taking my hand, and leading me into the living room, where a small black TV was placed in the centre of the room and two wooden chairs facing it.

"What's on the disk pipes?" I ask, slightly spooked

"Our entire future," and with that, she inserts the disk...

Hey guys I'm so sorry if this chapter was poop but I'm running out of ideas :( feel free to message me how you'd like this story to continue !! Anything will be appreciated 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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