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Map was a very happy object. They might've been homeless, but they were happy. Who needs a house anyway when you can date your best friend in the whole world.

They were in love.

But that's what brought them so much pain in the end.


"Map, it's not what you think it is..."

Spade was trying his best to make his voice sound as gentle as possible. He fucked up. He was fully aware that he fucked up. And he didn't know what to do. He stood there in front of his couch, where Map was sitting. They were holding back their tears and didn't even want to look at him.

"Then what is it" Map's hand squeezed harder on the piece of paper they were holding.

"He's just a friend, I promise. I wouldn't lie to you, would I?"

"Oh really?" Map unfolded the crumpled piece of paper and started reading out loud "I hope you're doing well. I had a lot of fun with you yesterday, I hope we can go on another date soon. I wanted to drop by and check up on you but Bucket told me you were asleep, so I figured I'd just leave a note instead. Love you. Signed, YP."

Spade hid his face in his hands and groaned in frustration.

"It wasn't-"

"A date. You two went on a date" Map's voice started to crack.

"We didn't... Fine. I lied. Yes, we went on a date. Me and Yellow Pages. Held hands and everything."

Map finally looked up at Spade and a single tear rolled down their paper cheek. They looked like their entire world just crumbled. Spade opened his mouth to say something but he didn't know what. He didn't know if there were any words that would fix this. He fucked up so badly.

"I see. Well, I hope you're happy with him."

They crumpled the note again and tossed it on the floor with anger, then got up from the couch and left the room. Then left the apartment and slammed the door after themselves. Spade took a deep breath and ran out after them.

"Map wait! I'm sorry."

"You're not sorry" Map yelled without even looking back at him. They kept walking until they disappeared between the city buildings, leaving Spade behind them.

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