Duty is the death of love

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Upon hearing the news of Rhaenyra becoming heir, Daemon Targaryen was most furious. While he did have affection for her adorable niece, being replaced as heir did not sit well with him. Rhaenyra, however, was quick to remedy this situation. While she knew that her uncle's anger would eventually die down for it was not her whom he was furious, it did not stop her from trying to bring Daemon to her side at the earliest chance possible.

Rhaenyra sent a letter to Daemon while the latter was at the Vale. Fine fortune favored the messenger this time as he avoided being flogged by the Prince. The Prince was in good humor after reading the letter and even tapped the messenger's shoulder good naturedly. For the first time, the whole of Runestone heard the laughter of Daemon Targaryen echoing. None but he alone would know that Rhaenyra, a girl of nine, asked him to marry her when she becomes Queen and be by her side in her rule.

Prince Daemon would not send a reply but upon his first victory at the Stepstones, he sent several gifts to Rhaenyra. One most special is a carefully fashioned necklace made of Valyrian Steel.

In the meantime, Rhaenyra continued bettering herself.

Despite the achievements Rhaenyra sought to earn for herself, the matter of Alicent Hightower was a constant reminder to her that her place is never secure. Arming herself with the knowledge of her dream, she sought to have the Hightowers removed from king's landing.

Using the innocence of a child, Rhaenyra slowly sowed the seeds of doubt on Otto Hightower in his father's mind. An innocent question here and a suggestion there, King Viserys soon realized Otto for what he truly is. A cunt—as Rhaenyra's favorite uncle would describe him.

With the Hightowers removed from court, Rhaenyra had slept quite soundly for the first time since she had her dream. Now her only focus would be proving her mettle in court and keeping her mother healthy. For as long as her mother lives, the King would have no reason turn his eyes to another. And should his father need to remarry, she would put forward the person who would pose no threat to her rule.

In place of Ser Otto Hightower, the King chose Lyonel Strong to become his hand. Rhaenyra saw this as an opportunity to learn from the Master of Laws and move him over to his side. Day by day, the Princess would increasingly pay the old hand a visit discussing matters of law.

Until one day, the Princess asked a most curious yet important question.

"If my father is King, and his word is law, then what is the purpose of the Great Council of 101?"

To such question, Lyonel Strong had to dodge for his answer could be a double-edged sword to an impressionable young girl.

In this entire exchange, Ser Harwin Strong nicknamed Breakbones would be a spectator and no sooner did he find himself being more interested in the princess.

In 111 AC tragedy befell the King and the Princess. The fever took away the queen. Before she passed, it was said she called out the names of her dead children in her delirium. Princess Rhaenyra and the King was by her side when the Stranger took her.

By this time Rhaenyra had known that her father would be urged to remarry by his small council. However, unlike her dream, Rhaenyra had time on her side and things fell into their proper place.

While the council took their time in the day to persuade the king, Rhaenyra had hers in the evening. She had made sure to keep an eye on the king over the years and was satisfied that no woman had captured his eye. This time, he would marry for matters of state and not desire.

Rhaenyra entered his father's chambers, mustering all the courage she can for what she was about to do. She swallowed the lump on her throat before speaking. She knew what she was about to do would be cruel. Baela and Rhaena, were wonderful children, her beloved nieces, yet what she was going to do would ensure they never exist after this. Steeling herself, Rhaenyra told herself, my good-sister cannot mourn the children she never had.

"Wed Laena Velaryon."

She'd told her father. His grace was dumbfounded that it should come from his young daughter. He was about to ask who put her up to this when she spoke again.

"And I shall wed Laenor Velaryon. Do your duty, your grace and I shall do mine."

The king was quiet. There was obviously no reason to decline this proposal.

It was the perfect arrangement for it was a foolproof plan. One way or the other, the Velaryons would have their blood sitting on the iron throne. As for Viserys, he would not have the same qualms as marrying a twelve-year-old child for Laena Velaryon was already at the prime of her youth at eight-and-ten. The rift that the succession caused would finally be able to heal. Or so they hoped.

The king asked his daughter that he be given some time to think about it. However, Princess Rhaenyra was adamant in gaining her father's agreement to the wedding.

Thus, she told him, "Your grace is not ignorant, you should see things for what they truly are. You may have named me your heir, but what will become of me when you are dead yet left with sons through remarriage. They would not sit idly by and watch a woman ascend the iron throne. Words of obeisance to you and your named heir will be forgotten in the years to come. What are words sworn to a dead king? Much less, the words uttered by dead lords? The Velaryons, through this marriage, would have their blood in the iron throne. This would suffice to secure their allegiance... for them to swear and defend my rights; for we are the blood of old Valyria. I cannot say the same for other houses. This is a reality which you may choose to ignore, your grace, but I cannot. I know... the order of things."

King Viserys had nothing to say. For all her youth and innocence, Rhaenyra's words were wise. He would be blind not to see that the young girl before her was becoming more and more of a ruler. He remained seated in quiet contemplation.

"You... you said that Aegon saw the end of men in his dream. Just as he had, I too have seen the end of dragons. My succession will be challenged by no less than the children of your new queen should you marry the wrong woman. Just as they would not sit idly and watch me ascend, I, too, will not let them take what is rightfully mine. Dragons will dance and the skies will burn bright red with flames. I do not wish for my future children, your grandsons, to have their lives ended in such a way.

"So let us both do our duties and secure our bloodline and the realm."

Viserys sat thoughtfully for several moments, weighing the words Rhaenyra uttered. Daenys' dreams saved the Targaryens from the doom. There would be no reason not to trust them.

"I need time."

Rhaenyra bowed down to her father and went on her way. But before she exited, she said, "Jacaerys... he would have made a fine king."

Realm's Delight (A Rhaenyra Targaryen Villainess Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now