8. Brothers just wanna have fun ( Elijah )

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Oh shit! This was the reason why I didn't want him to come to Charlottesville. Now he saw her, what was I gonna say. I take a seat. "So are you gonna say anything?" i hear Niklaus saying with his irritated voice. I have to tell him, before it gets out of hands. Niklaus can be very impulsive when he's mad. He looks impatiently at me.

"I met her yesterday, that's Chrystina. She is the girl that Mathias and Rita adopted" I told him, but I can tell by his look that that wasn't enough information. "I did some resurch on her because she looks that much like Elena. Uhhmm. Her last name is in fact Petrova."

Niklaus looks astonished. "Well now I understand your reaction on the phone yesterday. If that is her last name, why didn't we find her earlier?"

"I don't know. But I don't know she's Elena's sister for sure." I told him to calm him down "I was gonna do some more resurch and if she turned out to be her family i would have told you."

"well okay. I'm very forgivefull today. So what are we gonna do today" Niklaus said to my surprise. So look at him to see if he means it, and I think he does.

"He means it. Look he let me go with him to visit you. We laught all the way to Charlottesville and Caroline gave him a kiss" Kol says

"Kol I'm able to tell Elijah such things myself" Niklaus derectly says and looks to Kol with his "one more word and I'll tickle you to death" look.

"well we can go to the house i stay in?" I say. Okay Kol and Niklaus really wanna do something fun, because by there looks I can see they disapprove my idea.

"Brother, we said fun not soporific. We can take the horses and go up Carter's mountain. Once your up there you'll have beautiful vieuw" Kol says. Really I never thought i would hear such idea's out of his mouth.

"you really try to hold on to 1254" Niklaus says. What were they talking about. Wait I remember.

"haha, let me guess. You talked about when I fell into the lake and that moment that Niklaus got totally drunk and started running after those pigs" i shout out and Kol starts screaming "yeah you should've heard that noice the they made and Klaus immitaded that. That even sounded worst". Some people turn their heads. Oops we're making a lot of noice.

Niklaus ( still laughing ) stands up and says "Well, let's go have some fun. We gonna do Kol's idea and we'll see later what we're gonna do tonight" We all stand up. I drop some money at the table and wave at the waitress to make sure she saw I left the money there. Kol wraps his arms around both me and Niklaus as we walk out. I look at his face and he smirks. Yeah it's gonna be like the old days.

"hey, brother what are you doing?" Niklaus yells at me while I walk to my car.

"I didn't  came with the same car as you two, rember?" i answer and they smile.


When we arrive at the manege and picked a horse, we start our ride up the mountain. "wow, it's really beautifull here." Kol says. After a while we decide to stop to let the horses drink. Haha this is my chance to take revenge on Kol.

He's standing on a little wall around the water. Balancing on one leg and telling Niklaus some jokes. Yeah perfect Kol, you just made yourself a perfect target. I run towards him, but i didn't even had to touch him. He startles and looses balance. It so funny, I see it in my head in slow motion. His shocked face and his arms start to mow in the air. Then his body slowly fell backwards and then his feed loosens the ground. And then with a big splash he hits the water.

I burst out and so does Niklaus. "haha. you took revenge. Oh my god. Did you saw his face. haha. He could've seen that one coming" Niklaus says. His words were almost inaudeble because of his laughter. And there comes Kol's head with an angry face above the water. That made us even laugh more. Oh my, he looks like a drowned cat.

Now that he's completely out of the water he screams "Elijah, i'll kill you"

"No worries brother, according to him that means that he loves you so much, that he's happy to see you back and that you're the best" Niklaus says and starts laughing. "He said that Rebekah means that when she says it." 

I jump to dodge Kol. And there he comes again and he missed again, or not. Because Niklaus is not on the rock he was sitting on anymore and I heard water. Kol comes out of the water, but where's Nik. And then i see something moving underneath the water surface. It moves itself towards Kol and reaches out for him. And there goes Kol, being dragged under the water. And Nik comes up and laughs hard.

A few seconds later Kol comes up with his war look. He's up to something, he already knows what he's gonna do. But what is it? Wait a minute, he has something in his hands. No, no, it's a fish and he throws it right in my face. "that's so disgusting" I hear Nik say. And yes it was.  He's gonna pay for this.

I grab him and push him into the wet sand. "Yeah" I hear Nik scream and there he is, putting the sand into Kol hair. But Kol overmasters me and pushes me into the mud. But Nik grabes Kol and throws him into the water. "Let's go get him" he screams and we run into the water. And there we are having a water fight. 

After a while, I don't know how long, we heard laughing behind use. When we turn around, we saw Sam, Chrystina and Caroline? It was embarrassing. Because some how we lost our shirts during the fight and there we stood with a group of girls infront of us, well, and Sam. But he likes man, too.

But what was Caroline doing here? I looked at Nik and he turned red. "Caroline what are doing here?" he asked while Kol was staring like he saw something he liked. Was it Chrystina?

"well, I wanted to see if Sam knew anything about Tyler's death. He didn't, but because i was here we decided to take a walk. And then we saw you three. And I have to admite you made me smile Klaus. It was kinda of charming." Caroline says while we started to get out of the water.

It's her, Chrystina Petrova (the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now