16. papa hybrid ( Sam)

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"hey Chrys, Beckah and Care" I say as they come in. I turn around and shock "what happened?" i ask as i realise that Chrystina is a vampire. Chrystina never had anything against vampires. Infact she is raised by two but she never wanted to be one. Only because of the fact that she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Katherine killed her while she had Kol's blood inside of her" Caroline says "you know how it goes further"

"And now? Does Nik know?" I ask suspicious

"Yes he does. But are you allowed to call him Nik?" Rebekah says and i nod. Klaus even laughed when i called him papa hybrid. Actually, i don't get why Tyler hated him so much. He was the only one who knew him in person. But now that i know him i actually like him more. I do believe that if you get him against you, you'd better run for your life. But i think that if your his friend, he's a good friend.

"I see you already have a daylight ring?" i ask Chrystina

"yes. When Rebekah and i told our friend Bonnie, who's a witch, that Elena's sister was turned by Katherine, she offered her help" Caroline says.

"But then she wanted to meet Chrystina. So Chrys this evening we're going to Bonnie" Rebekah completes Caroline. 

"Do you want to come with us?" Caroline asks "I'm sure she won't mind it"

"Ofcourse. I need to know a few people. Is that the witch that's on our school?" i ask and Caroline nods.

"so. How was your trip with Klaus?" Chrys asks with a big smile while she takes a sip of her drink. I didn't even notice that she gave all of us a drink.

"It was fun. Actually he's queit funny" i answer "shit! that's true i should have dinner with him. See ya!" I say and run out the door. I decide to run because that will be faster than with the car.


"Sam. My friend. I was getting worried" Nik says as i come in. The table was layed and the whole Mikaelson family, except Rebekah who was with Chrystina ofcourse, was sitting there. I felt kind of uncomfortable because i was the only stranger in the room. "hello" i smile.

"Don't be afraid. The don't bite" Nik smirks "Hard" he says curtly and laughs. "what would you like to drink? Wine, Wiskey, blood?" he asks again

"Wine is fine" I say as i queue a chair. Elijah looks at me and chuckles. Okay, I take back my words. Now i feel uncomfortable.

"Elijah. Don't give him that look" Finn says who has been opserving me ever since i came in.

"what. I'm not gonna do him anything. I just think he's kind of funny" Elijah says "Perhaps. I queit like Sam and Chrystina. We had fun in Charlottesville, didn't we?" he asks and looks at me.

"Actually....." I say like i'm gonna say no. I see a serprised look comming on his face "No, I'm just kidding" I say and he smiles.

"you almost got him" Kol says. "yeah, you can easily fool the old man" he says again before he gets a painfull face. I don't see what he did. But Elijah poked him or something. And afterwards Elijah got a satisfied smile on his face.

"come on. We don't want this to end in a food fight or something" Finn says. Elijah and a food fight? Really? Well after Charlottesville i don't relly know what i can expect.

"Come on. The last food fight was about 950 years ago. We don't do that anymore" Elijah says and Kol raises his eyebrow at sassy way at him. Like he's disagreeing with his brother.

"Is that the same with your family, Sam?" Finn asks me. 

"I don't see my family anymore. The kind of gave me a choice. Hide my sexuality and not be myself or leave and never come back" i say and sigh. Finn, Klaus and Kol look shocked. Ofcourse Elijah already knew that.

"Well. I think it must be better for you than pretend that you're streight and get 'happily' married to a girl and get kids and stuff" Elijah says.

"Well. Not that part of getting kids. I was already a hybrid when i found that I'm gay. However Chrystina and Caroline already suggested it for years" I say and Nik looks suspicious at me "they said 'we know' when i told them and when i asked how and howlong 'we already thought it for years, you know you always did kind of girly thing with us. Not that you're girly' was what they answered. I told them first and they helped me when i wanted to tell my parents and when they kicked me out"

"wow. At least you have great friends" Finn says "Is he talking about your Caroline, Niklaus?" he asks

"She's not mine" Nik says and turns his head down

"Not yet" i say and when all heads turn to me. I realise that i just had one of those blabbermouth moments. Why do I never think about what i say.

"What did you just say?" Nik says with a big smirk upon his face.

"Nothing" i say and take a bit of my meal so that i don't have to answer. I hear that he chuckles and he knows enough. If Caroline finds out, I'm so death.

"We won't tell Caroline anything, will we?" Nik says and looks strictly to his brothers and they nod to agree with him.

"So did Chrystina told you what happened?" Kol asks and i nod." okay" he says


"it was nice to have dinner with you" i say before i leave to the adress that Rebekah messaged me. That's where that Bonnie girl should live

It's her, Chrystina Petrova (the vampire diaries)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant