What I'm Going Through

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I always try, not to cry

Lookin' up high in the sky.

I'm in pain, I try to explain

But always in vain, feelin' gloomy in the rain

I sometimes feel, no one cares

They say they do but no one shares

What I'm going through,

Right now...

They have no idea

Who I am, from inside

They just know, the way I look

Physically, from outside

It is true, my bruised soul

Longs for love, all the time

What I'm going through

Right now...

But what I get is not pure love

At least not truly heartfelt

I can't help but to think

It isn't even love, just attachment

I wonder sometimes, is it real

Everything that I feel

What I'm going through

Right now...

Sometimes I'm really scared

Of the ones, about who I cared

Cause I have a hunch

That they would hurt me the most

Oh yes it's true I cared

That doesn't mean they do too

What I'm going through

Right now...

No one seems to understand

What it is to be me

I don't expect them to know

Every shit that I've been through

I felt alone but they never knew

And I think they'll never do

What I'm going through

Right now...

All I want and all I need

Is just a little acceptance

And at times for some people

Just to show a little empathy

Am I not significant?

Or am I just invisible?

What I'm going through

Right now...

You know what, I'm fed up

And the truth is that I'm done

I can't take it anymore

And I guess life is just a bore

I can't breathe, it's smothering

Making me wanna throw up

What I'm going through

Right now...

(But now I think that I don't care

Why did I do in the first place!

Now that I come to think of it

It's not that bad at all

I suppose I can always

Live with it, living to the fullest...)

Added the last stanza the next day as an afterthought...

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