The greasers react to meeting you

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You were at the library after school studying, Ponyboy came over and sat next to you. A few minutes later he was struggling with the math and you noticed and offered to help him, he said sure so you helped him out and went back to your homework but he couldn't stop looking at you, he got nervous and just blurted out, " I'm Ponyboy!" You kinda gave him a weird look and he blushed and repeated calmly, "Sorry, but thanks for helping me with my math, I'm Ponyboy Curtis." You giggled and said, "Sure thing, I'm y/n y/l/n, it's nice to meet you." You both blushed and went back to your work. Later that night he couldn't stop thinking about you...


Sodapop was working a late shift at the DX and you were with your friends and they ended up ditching you to go to a party you didn't want to go to so you were walking and saw the DX and decided to see if you could call someone to pick you up. When you walked into the DX soda immediately noticed how gorgeous you were and you went up to the counter to ask if you could make a phone call and he gave you the phone. You called your parents/guardian and soda was just staring at you and eves-dropping. Your parents/ guardian said they couldn't pick you up so you hung up and you were pretty upset and soda asked, " Is everything ok?" And you just broke down and told him what happened and he just said, " well I get off in about 10 minutes if you want I can give you a ride home." And you smiled and said, " I'd really appreciated it. I'm y/n y/l/n by the way." He smiled and said, " Sodapop Curtis!" You giggled and told him it was a pretty great name and you guys talked for a bit and he gave you a ride home, before you got out of his truck he gave you his phone number as he said to call him if you need a ride again you gave him your phone number in return and just said to call you sometime 😉 as you got out and thanked him...


You were at the grocery store and struggling to reach something, Darry noticed and came over to help you out, "Need any help with that?" He asked you, you looked at him and smiled and responded, "Um yes thanks!" He grabbed it for you and as he was handing it to you he said, " I'm Darry." You said, "Nice to meet you Darry I'm y/n, y/n y/l/n." He smiled and said it was nice to meet you, the two of you talked for a minute and then left. That night he was in a better mood than he usually is, soon enough the gang caught on and teased him about it...


You were at one of Buck's famous party's and went outside to smoke, Dally was already out there when he looked at you he smirked and made his way over to you. You couldn't find your lighter. He was standing next to you now and offered to light it for you, as he lit it he started flirting with you causing you to blush. You decided to introduce yourself before heading back inside you said, " I'm y/n thanks for lighting my cigarette for me but I'm going back inside now." He responded with, " People call me Dally but you can call me anytime 😏" you laughed and went back inside, dally was pretty weirded out when he kept thinking of you later that night...


Two-bit was walking home from the Curtis' and he decided to stop at a gas station to get a beer you were working at the gas station and when he went to pay he started flirting with you partly because you're gorgeous 😍 and the other part because he was trying to get out of you ID-ing him, which it worked ;). He said, " I'm Keith but friends call me two-bit but you can call be babe 😉." (Pretty slick too) you introduced yourself as well and he left and said he'd come back to chat another time soon. 😂


Let's pretend you play a sport or are in a club after school ok?

Your team/ club got into trouble so you all had to stay late, the teacher/ coach let you go and it was pretty late so it was dark you were walking home and you were already pretty overwhelmed with schoolwork, sports, and your parents/ guardians were putting a lot pressure on you recently so you decided to just sit down on a park bench for a few minutes to relax before you went home. Johnny was walking back to the lot after going to the drive- in with Ponyboy, when he saw you he decided to walk over and see if you were ok. He walked up to you and you looked up and him and said hi he said hi to you and asked if you were ok, and you just said yeah that you were just stressed and told him he could sit down if he wanted to, he sat down and you guys just talked for a while when you had to for you said, " I'm y/n by the way maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" He smiled while blushing and said, "I'm Johnny I'd like that." You left and he sat in the lot thinking about you...


You went to a drag race with your older sibling, you ended up not paying attention to where you were walking and bumped into Steve, you both fell back and your sibling just laughed and left you there. He was getting up and said, " Hey watch where you're going bud!" Then he looked at you and you got up and told him, " Sorry I wasn't paying attention I swear I didn't mean to." He laughed and said, " Don't worry about it, I wasn't looking either. I don't know how I couldn't have seen such a pretty girl like you though." You blushed and giggled and introduced yourself, he introduced himself as well and offered to walk with you. He continued to flirt with you as you two walked, after you left Steve could stop thinking about how pretty you were...

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