Their reaction when you start your period

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You guys were walking to Pony's house after school when some socs pulled up and yelled that you were bleeding in front of everyone. You ran off with Pony being a mix of scared and confused but he still followed you. You locked yourself in the bathroom embarrassed, Ponyboy was outside the door asking you questions trying to make sure you're ok. When you told him that you just started your period and you bleed through your pants. He was so confused about what a period was so you had to explain it to him. Once he understood to some extent, you opened the door and he gave you a pair of his pants to wear while you went home. After that he would ask Soda to buy tampons/pads so he could keep them in his room for you. Everyday while you are on your period he would make sure you're ok like every 10 minutes and he would feel bad when you got cramps and would try to help you.


You guys were cuddling and you got up to go and get some water, when Soda noticed you started your period. He would be so calm about it, mainly because he's had girlfriends in the past so he already sorta knows about them. He got up, went over to you and just said, " I think you started your period. But that's ok I'll clean it up and you can take a shower." You kept apologizing about bleeding on the bed. But he put the sheets in the washer and told you not to worry about it and started a shower for you. While you were in the shower he went and got you tampons/pads and chocolate. The rest of the week he would try to stay home with you but you made him go to work telling him you're ok. Every time he sees you while you're on your period he would be the biggest cuddle bug and extra affectionate.


You were doing the dishes while he was folding laundry when he noticed you bled through your pants. He would go up behind you, kiss you and just gently tell you that you started your period. He told you not to worry about the dishes and just go to take a shower. He already had tampons/pads for you because he's Momma Darry and is always prepared. He would make your favorite meal for dinner that night, and make sure that you always have Midol on hand. He would try to be a bit more affectionate that week, but sometimes he didn't want to hear the gang's comments about it.


 You guys were at one of Bucks famous parties when Tim Sheperd noticed you were bleeding while checking you out (i feel like he would do that to make dally mad lmao). Tim would go over and say to dal, " Hey Dallas your girl's ass is bleeding." Dally would freak out thinking you were hurt. He looked around for you and when he found you just violently turned you around to look at your tush. " Dallas Winston what are you doing?!" You kinda whisper-shouted. He dragged you outside thinking you're dying, "Your dying doll we need to go to the hospital!" You just started laughing and he let go of you. You explained that it was just your period. He just said, " Ew man. So I just wasted my time on that?" Then he realized Tim was checking you out to begin with and went to have a "chat" with him. He wouldn't treat you any different though, maybe if he was feeling nice he would steal you some tampons/pads.


The two of you were walking around town when he noticed. He just kind of panicked and yelled, "Y/N you're dying!! You're bleeding out of your butt!" Everybody looked at you guys and you were so embarrassed you ran on into the nearest bathroom, he would stand there for a second trying to think how you can run if you're dying. Luckily for you there was a nice lady that gave you what you needed. When you came out of bathroom Two was standing there and tried to get you to go to the hospital, you told him that you weren't dying, it was just your period. He would already know about them a little bit because he lives with his mom and little sister. That week he would get you snacks and chocolate and make sure to cuddle you more, you guys would binge watch mickey and snack all week.


You guys were in the lot sitting on that old couch talking. You got up to stretch and he saw the blood on your pants and almost had a panic attack. He shrieked which caught your attention pretty quickly, when you asked him what's wrong he said that you guys had to go tell Darry that you were sick or something was wrong. When you realized what he was talking about you told him to relax, and just explained to him that it was your period which made him relax a little bit. You guys went to a bathroom for you to clean up. All week he would ask if you are ok like 100 times a day. He would be so gentle with you more than usual all week and his heart would break everytime you said you had a cramp. Would feel bad he can't do anything to help.


You were at the DX with Steve when you got up to go help some customers he just said, " Uh Y/N you're bleeding, are you ok?" You went off into the bathroom, he went behind you to see if you were ok, Soda was mad because you guys left him with the customers. But you told Steve that you were fine and told him it was your period, he had little to no knowledge on what a period was. When you asked him to go get you tampons/pads he said he would, but if people would look at him he would be one of those guys to say that they are for his girlfriend. You guys would eat extra cake and cuddle a bit more that week. He would get scared of your mood swings though. ( I also think they would all get pretty scared of you when you have mood swings lol) 

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