Chapter 5

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"So, when will you marry Robin?" Aaron asked Billy. While they were eating breakfast with their family and Wentworth. Who stayed behind.

"Let me have my food before you ask me such things." He dismissed him.

They laughed, "It's a good question. It's better to do it now." Marja said.

"I know, I know. I'm just scared of celebrating during war."

"Son...that happens all the time. It's how we as humans get distracted. A royal wedding with their beloved prince and a pious boy will certainly lift the people's spirits."

"I saw we start preparing now. But we don't want to overlap the wedding with Vance and Bruce. They're already engaged." Samuel said.

"Really? That's good to hear. The Yamadas are great allies." Billy said.

"Especially when it comes to horses." Aaron quipped.

He laughed, "Yes yes, but I actually have an idea. Royal wedding celebrations usually last a week. But what if we held the weddings right next to each other? We could even include Finney Blake and Donna D'Amato."

Billy's interest was piqued. "I quite like that idea actually. Would we be first?"

"Yes, then it'd be Vance & Bruce, and lastly Finney & Donna. All would take place here in the palace for convenience. A feast for each night. But no tourneys, you said yourself this is a time of war."

"Of course," Billy then went over to one of his guards, "Tell the maester to send word to Wrangler, Irienne, and Bronze Coast. Cause we're having a triple wedding!"


"Oh my lord, it's so pretty!" Donna said to Finney as she looked at the interior architecture of the palace. Gold and silver were everywhere along with paintings on the ceiling.

"It really is a fine place to be wed. Don't you think so?" He smiled while he put his arm around her.

"Of course, I'm very excited about the feast. And to be married to you in general, Finney." She smiled, her brown eyes were full of adoration.

"Call me Finn."

She seemed surprised. "Of course, Finn."

"Oh welcome Finney, it's been a long time since I've seen you." Billy hugged both of them.

"It's nice to be here again. And for such a joyous occasion too." They then turned to talk to the Prince.

"Are we really going to have three weddings?"

"Yes, I mean we're all friends, no? Lord Yamada and Lord Blake can consider it compensation for their suitors not being chosen by me."

"That's right, my father put my sister's hand forward. You rejected her because of how I'd react, right?"

"Oh yeah, same thing for Amy. Anyway, let me show you to your chambers."

They went to two neighbouring bedrooms.

"Since you two are both religious, which means that intimacy is forbidden before marriage, I got you separate rooms."

"Thank you for your consideration, Your Highness," Donna bowed.

"Of course, anyway I need to go wait for Bruce and Vance."

"Wait, I'm curious: what's the order?"

"Oh, yeah it's me and Robin tonight. Bruce and Vance tomorrow. And then you two last the day after. Hopefully, you don't mind."

War of the HaresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon