Chapter 9

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"We gather here today in commemorate the life—and death—of the Crown Prince, Aaron Showalter." The clergymen said to the crowd. Which consisted of the royal family, who wore black. The Lunarians, the Yamadas, the Toziers, the Arellanos, the Gladwins, the Showalters, Matty, Lord Max, and Vance. The Astral tradition of burying when the moon and sun were still in the sky was honoured. Along with the Showalter custom of using a pine coffin and the body being washed.

"He held a lot of hope for this nation. Being the future of the dynasty. Which was shattered by the Kennedy turn-cloaks."

People looked at Matty. As if he was responsible for such a treasonous death. He kept staring into the distance.

"Not only was he an Astral, but he was also a Showalter." He looked at Lady Sharon. Who rocked baby Suze at her hip. She wore black as well. All of the relatives of Aaron did, including the Lunarians.

"And with that knowledge, he was reared in a more diverse environment. And held promise to the monotheistic religion of his father's family. And would've been the first Jewish king in Gimlé."

"With that said, let Elohim on high receive our Prince. May HaShem avenge his blood. And may his memory be a blessing."

"May his memory be a blessing." The Showalters repeated.

Afterwards, the priest took something out: a circlet. Much like Aaron's but gold. And Billy walked up the casket and kneeled.

"Through Aaron Showalter's death, the first of his name, comes a new heir. His younger brother, William Showalter, first of his name, Prince of Sunhall," He placed the circlet upon his head of brown hair. Which shone gold like the circlet. He rose and turned around to the crowd. "Is now also the Crown Prince of the Solarian Dynasty. Heir to the Cosmic Throne and Future Protector of the Seven Lands. May his future reign be peaceful and prosperous."

"May his future reign be peaceful and prosperous." They repeated. Even though this was a time of mourning, some couldn't help but smile. For the realm was still in good hands. Prince Billy has a gentle heart but a sharp mind. When he rules, he will not be known as a bad king.

"You have my condolences." Lord Gladwin said to Billy.

"Thank you," he politely said. Despite hearing that phrase too many times. So much so he might've strangled the next person who said it. Could they really not come up for anything better for their beloved Crown Prince?

"I can't believe he's actually dead." Henry said. Billy turned to look at him. And he continued talking, "As kids, we would talk about him becoming king one day all the time. Especially with Billy."

He looked off, growing angry at the mention of the man. "Did they kill him because they wanted the throne? Is Leona and Gartenhall not enough for them? Will anything satiate their greed?" He asked himself angrily. "Will they not stop at Aaron and come for my family next...for me?" His voice croaked and it wasn't long before he could hold back the tears. Henry comforted him by bringing him to his chest. The two were nine inches apart in height (5'3" and 6'0").  He cried into his chest while his older cousin wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his hand. Who had been like another brother to him his entire life. "I worry about Robin."

"You need to worry about yourself too, you know."

"I know, but I need to make a statement. About what will happen should I die soon."

Henry's heart clenched, "No, don't speak of such things. I will not let you die!"

"No, it's my duty to name a spare heir if I need to. Let me go talk with my mother."

"Billy no!" He yelled as the boy ran to Marja. Everyone else was alerted by his shouting. And turned to stare at him. She seemed confused and angry, almost sad. Like Henry was.

"Mom, should I die before I have children, I will name someone else my heir: Lady Joscelyn Lunarian and her son, Henry. As both my next of kin and the eldest descendents of the old King Stellor of days past."

Samuel started picking his nails. A nervous habit. While his wife put her hands on Billy's shoulders. Shaking him with a look of territoriality. "Son, you are not gonna die anytime soon. Stop saying such things."

"I will if they get me!"

"They won't get you. You will have children one day and you will be king after I die. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, mother," he said softly. Feeling guilty for causing a scene. Because of his own grief. Now mixed in with paranoia.

She only let him go out of her arms after half an hour. Afterwards, Robin took his hand, smiled, and said, "Let's go back to Selene."

Billy smiled back. "Yeah, the gods will take care of their own house."


"Have mercy, please!" Moose cried out as he was in pain. His mother, even his siblings lay cold and dead on the floor. The killer's face was concealed by the hood of his simple, grey cloak. And he pointed a dagger at his face. The blade was like the tides: wavy and deadly.

"Rats don't deserve mercy." He responded in a monotone, chilling voice. The killer was clearly a man just from the sound of it. But who would do such a cruel thing escaped his panicked mind.

He never got to find out before that dagger hit his throat. But he saw blond hair. With a wicked smile that dreamed of such bloodshed. But for what, he couldn't possibly know...

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