Chapter 13

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CW: Violence, bloodshed, murder, SA/Rape

"I will not be leaving my family behind!" Prince Billy yelled at his husband. Who had been gripping the letter in his palm.

"You need to go back to your parents!" He retorted.

"They will be fine without me."

"And so will Henry, he's a grown man."

"No, I need to help defend my future heir."

"He is not the heir, you are! I won't let you and your bloodline die out. I just can't."

"Look, Rob, if I am to be a king, I should know how to fight, yes?"

"Yeah, but this isn't your fight."

"Yes it is, I want to be known as the Prince Who Lingered not the Prince Who Ran Away."

He sighed, "You're stubborn as a bull. That's it, if you want to go with me willingly, I'll make you." He took his wrist and his clutch was like iron. He pulled him in and started walking.

"Let me go!" He tried to get his wrist off with his other hand.

He said nothing else and kept walking, he grabbed a cloak and headed out the door. When just then, Billy grabbed a book from the nearby countertop and hit the back of his neck with it. Making him so surprised he let go.

"Estas loco! You're fucking mad if you want to stay here where you'll die."

"I'd rather die a thousand times than not be guaranteed revenge!" He screamed, his throat now rasping.

Realisation washed over Robin in waves. "So this is about vengeance?"

"Of course it is. My brother was murdered, in his own home!"

Robin said nothing else. And his husband continued. "I want an eye for an eye. A brother for a brother."

Robin grinned in pride, "Then I will not get in your way, mi amor."


"Eds," Steve groaned. Sitting on a desk with hands gripping his thighs. This supposed 'Eds' was Eddie Munson. The handsome bard with brown, bouncing curls that went to his shoulders. And a mischievous sparkle in his dark eyes. One that Harrington adored. Eddie was kissing and sucking on his neck. Making his lover not be able to think straight. Steve himself was only in his white undershirt and pants.

He stopped on his neck and kissed him on the lips. And did so passionately. Cocking his head to the right.

But as they were doing that, the door opened.

"STEVE!" Billy yelled as he saw them.

They were startled and Eddie pulled away. Making Steve feel vulnerable and scared. Scared of his husband's wrath. He stood up.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked him.

"Eddie Munson," He said meekly.

"Well, let me tell you this, Eddie," his teeth gritted at the name. And he drew his sword from his sheath. "Don't fuck another man's husband. Especially in a time of war when we're already angry enough and distracted." Those were the last words that the paramour heard before a sword probed through his gut. The sword itself was ordinary looking but had the name of 'Hickins.' Which comes from "raider" in the old tribal tongue. He clutched his stomach as he fell to the ground. He tried to crawl towards Steve but he had no strength.

"How dare you do that to me? Bring another man into our bed?" He yelled, Steve could just see the blood vessels on his temple. His face was red.

"Huh?!" He asked, trying to force an answer.

Steve felt tears well in his eyes. But despite his fear, he said with an all-consuming fire but a quiet voice: "Because I hate you."

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