Chapter 2

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Jaime watched in horror as Brienne lay motionless upon the ground

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Jaime watched in horror as Brienne lay motionless upon the ground. Her thick heavy cloak had fallen over her body like an enveloping blanket, protecting her from the chill of the Northern air. The breeze danced through her hair, spinning it like a bright golden halo around her head. For a moment Jaime was frozen, fearing the worst. He could conjure no logic from the scene before him. Even in the depths of battle, when the dead crawled around them, Brienne had not succumbed. It was only now, with all that had passed between them, did she show a single sign of weakness.

Jaime's world tumbled around him like the bricks that had all but kept him from returning to Brienne. For a moment, stunned and shocked, he could only stare ahead, terrified at the reasons for her weakness which plagued his mind. Then, he saw the shallow rise of her shoulder through the fur of her cape. Frantically Jaime dashed to Brienne's side, only to be halted within inches of reaching her by those who quickly gathered to see to the fallen knight.

"My lady!" Podrick gasped, falling to his knees beside Brienne.

Jaime followed the young man's lead and sank to the cold dirt upon which Brienne lay. He could not bare the inches which separated him from the woman he loved. He felt if he did not gather her in his arms, he might truly meet the end that had been already proclaimed of him. Timidly, Jaime reached for Brienne, his fingers trembling.

"Don't touch her!" Queen Sansa's voice shouted from beside him. Jaime's head spun to see her amidst the others on her knees guarding Brienne, their roles having seemingly interchanged themselves. Before Jaime's thoughts could form in his mind, he found himself shoved aside unceremoniously by The Queen in The North herself, as she called for the aid of Sandor Clegane.

Watching as if in another world, Jaime saw the immense hulking figure of The Hound looming over Brienne. Brienne had once beaten the man in single combat, Jaime recalled proudly. Now however, he feared what further damage the man could inflict upon her limp body. Ominously, Clegane stooped and lifted Brienne, still unconscious, into his powerful arms as if she were a rag doll.

"Be careful." Sansa ordered Clegane, her voice overcome with fear. Almost imperceptibly, she tucked Brienne's cloak around her body.

Sandor nodded gruffly. "I know." He answered in a loud gravely rasp. Although his manner was as rough as always, Jaime noticed the unaccustomed gentleness with which Sandor Clegane handled Brienne as he scooped her from the ground.

"Take Ser Brienne to her chambers." Sansa ordered, standing to rush behind Clegane. "Ser Podrick, fetch the Maester." She added, her nervous and worried tone in sharp contrast to the forceful manner in which she took charge of the situation, and those around her.

Slowly, Jaime rose to his feet, as Tyrion joined him. His gaze forlornly followed the group around Brienne before something innate within him pulled Jaime to his senses. Some unseen cord of connection tightened between them, and almost involuntarily, he followed her protectors. The few paces behind the others, at which he stayed, signified how unworthy he felt to be within the presence of the woman whose heart he had broken. The very same woman who held his own heart in her grasp.
In the corridor outside of Brienne's chamber door Jaime paced like a lion caged. He had barely caught a glimpse of her face as Queen Sansa had shepherded the still incapacitated warrior into the privacy of her quarters. Beside himself, Jaime wanted to shriek to the Heavens of the fear in his heart for his lady love. If Tyrion had not tried to speak calm into him, Jaime may well have beaten his stump to a bloody pulp upon the locked oak panel, until by force he gained admittance to the room where Brienne lay.

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