Chapter 4

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It had been a fortnight since Jaime's return, since Brienne and the babe she carried had been declared in full health by Winterfell's Maester

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It had been a fortnight since Jaime's return, since Brienne and the babe she carried had been declared in full health by Winterfell's Maester. Only a few mere weeks had passed since Brienne made Jaime the happiest man in The Realm by agreeing to become his wife. The promise of their life together filled him with a joy he had never known. Their nights hence were spent in their own world of passion and love. The days saw Brienne still keeping her oath to protect Sansa Stark. The Queen in the North had declared her sworn sword would no longer stand at her guard, fearing the long days upon her feet would be too exerting for Brienne as her pregnancy progressed. So it was that Sandor Clegane assumed a vigil at Sansa's side, safeguarding the young woman he clearly loved, whom most could tell returned his feelings in kind. Somewhat self-consciously, but more than a small bit grateful, the first female knight in Westeros sat at the Queen's right arm, watching over her charge even as she saw to her woman's work. Jaime strayed no more than a few paces from Brienne's side. He stood proud above her, holding true to his own vow of protection to his maiden fair and their unborn child.

In those weeks Jaime and Brienne lived as husband and wife, as they had done before his chosen course stole him from her side. They easily began the habit of rising early, before the days duties would busy and distract them, determined not to lose anymore moments with which they were blessed. Though the love that Jaime and Brienne shared was far too overpowering to be locked away, the couple spent the hours at daybreak secluded in their chambers, wrapped in each other's arms. On this morning, Jaime seemed preoccupied, almost bristling at the unvoiced thought which ran through his mind.

"What troubles you, My Love?" Brienne questioned as she fastened the front of a gambeson that had been altered to accommodate her expanding form.

Jaime looked up from pulling on his boots, as if he barely heard the quandary. "What?" He answered absentmindedly, before realizing how unusually quiet he had been. Standing quickly to assisted his bride to-be, Jaime smiled, trying to ease her worry. "Nothing troubles me." He told Brienne warmly as he settled her into the crook of his handless arm and worked the final few stays of her leather garment. He then trailed his fingers down the side of Brienne's rounded belly, sighing lovingly as he felt through her skin their child moving within her. He rested his forehead against Brienne's cheek and once more thanked The Gods for her.

"All that preoccupies me are thoughts of the lucky man I have finally become." Jaime beamed, losing himself in Brienne's astonishing eyes. "And how eager I am to wrap a cloak around your shoulders and call you mine." He held her close.

Brienne sighed at the assurance of his nearness. "I am already yours." She nestled against him. "I always have been." Brienne smiled, and turned to accept Jaime's deep adoring kiss.

When they had satisfied their need temporarily, Brienne filled her lungs with a refreshing breath, readying herself for the day. "I should see to The Queen." She acquiesced, dutifully, though a bit reluctantly.

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