Chapter 5

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Podrick hastened his steps to match the Evenstar's long stride. Though it was he who was supposed to be leading Lord Selwyn toward Winterfell's Great Hall, the young knight scurried quickly behind the old man, trying to keep up. Without halting, Pod used the necessity of shoving the hall's heavy door aside to dash ahead of Lord Selwyn, and attempted to regain at least the appearance of escort. He would neither Ser Brienne think him negligent in affording her father the proper cortege required of his station, nor give Queen Sansa cause to find lacking his abilities as an agent of her house. He breathed deep and puffed out his chest as he entered The Great Hall, wishing to announce The Evenstar with grandeur, yet wondering how Ser Brienne would react to her father's sudden appearance.

"Your Grace." Podrick announced over the heads of a small gathering of bannermen and a handful of servants. He led Lord Selwyn through the doorway, his voice echoing within the hall to cover the distance to the modest yet stately Stark throne.

Queen Sansa turned a distracted eye toward the young knight, from where she had been deeply invested in a conversation with her Sworn Sword, Ser Brienne, seated at her side. She raised a pensive brow at Podrick's disheveled and uncourtly appearance. Ever alert, Sandor Clegane's hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of his weapon and drew several inches of steal from its scabbard, ready to spring upon any threat to his beloved Little Bird.

It was Brienne who answered Podrick's hail, though it was not he whom she addressed. "Father!" She gasped at the sight of Lord Selwyn sidestepping the boy's best efforts to usher him forward. She rose, springing to her feet as best as her babe-filled belly would allow. Unconsciously, Brienne slide her hand down her side to cradle the stirrings she felt within her.

Lord Selwyn stopped in his tracks, only a few paces before the throne. The image of his daughter carrying her first child cooled the anger in his chest, and stilled the very beating of his heart. His face quickly changed from a grimace of disgust, to the concern of a loving father. "Daughter." He sighed, transfixed at Brienne's approach. All others in the room disappearing from his view.

The Evenstar beheld his daughter as if she were the queen. His heart filled with adoration for his precious child, whom he had not seen in so long. He wanted nothing more than to gather his own babe in his arms and return with her at once to Evenfall. Lord Selwyn did not see the father of Brienne's child, blood covered and bruised, racing into The Great Hall behind him. Jaime's steps ground to a halt, watching Brienne move from her chair and step toward her father. He shuddered, his breath failing, uncertain of The Evenstar's reaction.

Even through the shock of his unannounced arrival, Brienne's surprised smiled beamed. She had not allowed herself to dwell upon how much she missed her father in a long time. It felt good to welcome him. Brienne reached out her hands to accept his grasp.

Lord Selwyn studied Brienne for a moment, a lighthearted and flustered grin on his lips. "My Dear." He proclaimed happily. "You are...glowing." He stammered, discerning the joy which radiated through her. His eyes traveled down Brienne's form to her widening waistline. His fingers lightly moved to hover above her abdomen. "Who do we have here?" He chuckled.

Brienne joined Lord Selwyn in his gleeful laughter. "Your heir, Father." She announced proudly.

Overwhelmed, The Evenstar drew Brienne into his arms and held her as if she were his little girl once more. He wanted only to protect her and keep her from harm. Brienne melted into his embrace. With a contented sigh, she laid her cheek against his neck and squeezed shut her eyes, reveling in the closeness and understanding they shared. It was not until she opened her eyelids dreamily that she noticed Jaime sulking up behind them, his forehead creased with guilt. The blood which soaked his garments and skin had begun to dry, giving him the look of some crazed executioner. Brienne's gaze widened with a stunned mixture of confusion and concern. Silently conspicuous, Jaime lowered his eyes in shame.

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