Chapter 7: Epilogue

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Jaime had held Brienne for hours, clutching her pain ravaged body close to him

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Jaime had held Brienne for hours, clutching her pain ravaged body close to him. Her laboring began shortly before noontime the previous day, and it was now near to sunrise. She had led the armies of kings and queens, stood fast against the legions of the dead, and kneeled before his own blade to accept her duty as the bravest knight in all The Realm. Yet it was this battle to bring their child into the world, which she fought so valiantly upon her back that was the bravest of all. Brienne's own body threatened to betray her will and resolve, and she endured the agonies of the birthing bed with greater valor than he had seen from a thousand men.

Jaime had not strayed a moment from Brienne's side as her ordeal worsened through the night. He stroked her hair, bathed her exhausted brow with cool water, kissed her temple, and whispered loving words into her ear when her fortitude seemed at an end. Somehow, at Jaime's touch it seemed Brienne would roust herself from the mire of pain in which she spiraled, and begin anew her loving struggle.

In awe Jaime, witnessed Brienne's quiet strength. He was at once her champion, embroiled with her in the hardest struggle of her life; and yet but a witness, set so far apart from his love as she labored. A mere spectataor. As Brienne leaned closer into him, and buried her stricken face in his neck, Jaime was bludgeoned with a sudden and terrifying thought. From the moment he knew he loved her, Jaime also pledged to The Gods themselves that he would protect her no matter the cost. He had almost done exactly as he vowed. He held Brienne, trying desperately to shield her from the anguish she suffered, and realized he was all but helpless to protect his dearest love. What if he had died all those moons ago? What if the bricks had done their worst and smothered the life from him. The blood in his veins ran cold. The thought of his beloved Brienne enduring this struggle alone stole the breath from his lungs. Jaime shook the mocking thought violently from his mind, and instead resolved to keep his spirit strong with hopes of the joyous life they had built in the North.

He was glad they were here, in their home. Their Northern fortress so far from where either had grown. Evenfall was hers. The ancient fortress from the time of the andals which stared out across The Narrow Sea, a part of Westeros yet distanced from it, declaring its purpose. Someday she might inherit The Evenstar's title, or perhaps their child may grow to become Lord of Tarth, though Jaime felt he would never truly belong. Surely, the stain of his sins was far too great to ever be truly welcomed by such a pure and pious place. Casterly Rock, the forstress his own family had held for generations was now to Jaime only a loathsome cavernous reminder of his dishonor. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Evenrock had become their bastion. Where once had stood a cold forboding mass of blood soiled rock, there was now a bright warm welcoming manor filled with love and contentment and dreams for the future. Although the property was now theirs by right, Queen Sansa forbade Lord and Lady Lannister from entering until it had been properly expunged of any sign that House Bolton ever existed. Upon orders from The Queen in The North a legion of servants were set to work clearing overgrowth, polishing fine woodwork, shining gilt, and scouring the castle from rafter to root. The sigils of flailed men were torn down and burned, and in their place hosted the proud banners of House Lannister of The North. The red and blue field of Brienne's family arm with their celestial suns and moons was cut by the fierce rearing lion ready to do battle to protect his ethereal charge. The old fortress seemed to draw a deep breath as if it had suffocated in sadness, even the woodlands that surrounded it seemed brighter, suddenly alive with game. Jaime dreamed of teaching his children to hunt within the thick ancient trees. In no time Evenrock was prepared to welcome the new family that would call it home.

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