Chapter 1

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"Ok, Ok. I'm up. I'm up."

I throw a pillow at my little brother to silence his insistent "meeping". Sitting up, I realize that my hair is probably doing a fair impression of a rat's nest. I glance at the illegitimate clock on my nightstand. "AW, CHEESE NIPS!" I scream launching myself out of bed. It's 7:15, God, the bus shows up at 7:20. Wonderful, it looks like I'll be skipping a shower, breakfast, and brushing.

I sprint to the bathroom and slather on some deodorant and perfume. I swish some mouthwash while I attempt to brush my hair. Jogging back to the room I throw on the clothes from yesterday and throw a hoodie on over it. I get a quick look at myself in the mirror, Yep, same old me. My shocking green eyes are the only thing of beauty on my otherwise plain complexion, I mean honestly you see a lot of tall brunettes around Hooverdale, but almost none with eyes like mine, and yet I cover them with sunglasses whenever possible. Why? Because if I don't, people will notice me and when people notice me, I blow it by embarrassing the crap out of myself so why even bother?

I run out the front door and barely catch the bus, I grumble a small hello to the driver who looks almost horrified at my appearance and when I turn around, she burst out laughing. I race to my seat and listen to the occasional snicker and giggle, as I slowly sink down towards the bottom of the bus.

As soon as I walk into Hooverdale High, I am yanked into the bathroom by a mysterious person, so like any reasonable person I start swinging. My fist connects with something soft and solid.

"Woah! watch yourself chica! I bruise like a summer peach!"

"God! Jessie, you scared the ever-loving God outta me!"

She spins me around and yanks something out of my hair.

"Ow! What the-" I turn back around and in her hand is my My Little Pony hairbrush. "Oh, thanks."

"Mmhhmm. You lucky I don't pop your head offa yo shoulders for swingin' on me!"

I race over and envelope her in my arms. "I'm sorry Jess," I fix her with a wounded dog look, "Can you EVER forgive me?" Being best friends with Jess for almost eleven years, I know she can.

"Oh, whatever. By the way, sorry I missed the bus this morning. Psycho-Momma had me in her clutches."

"It's cool, but I wish you were there to yank that thing out of my hair earlier."

   We head our separate way as the first bell rings. She heads off to Chemistry and I go to the opposite wing to my Culinary class. I lucked out and got it two periods in a row. I race to my seat, I also do not have a partner, one of the many joys of remaining invisible. The class slowly fills up around me and I see Maybelle Harmsher and her girlfriend Amy Hashitomo locked in a passionate embrace that involves a lot of tongue. The two are an odd couple, Maybelle is the most popular girl in school, she's from Mississippi and is tan, blonde, and gorgeous. Amy is Asian, and if Maybelle is tall, then Amy is giant, she has ruler straight black hair and deep chocolaty eyes.

Amy and Maybelle part and Maybelle sashays over to her table with Justin Harmsher, her equally adorable twin brother. They both turn around and sneer in my direction.

"How's Casper the Ugly Ghost?" Maybelle spits. Her brother starts laughing this annoying braying laugh.

Gee, I almost forgot how much I hate them both. Mrs. Marks waltzes into class and everyone falls silent, not cause she's mean but she seems to own every room she's in.  Her strawberry blond hair and green eyes make her look as if she belongs in a Disney movie.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," she says in a soft honey voice, "We have a new student today. He's from Texas and will be joining us momentarily."

"Oh! Here he is now!"

She heads to the door and at that exact moment, Maybelle and her brother decide to move their big, fat, egotistical heads in front of me and I can't see the new guy. I strain my neck trying to look around them, but it's no use. I look down at my table and get an idea.

I gently push my pencil over the edge and off the table, it hits the linoleum with a soft tap. I casually reach over to get my pencil, I still can't see him! I lean over farther, farther, I see him. And that's when I fall out of my chair.

Stupid Fool? Who  Me?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora