18 1 0

Come on aunt Claire, the movie's about to start!" I yelled from the living room, my eyes fixed on the TV screen. I heard her scoff from the kitchen. "How many times have you watched this movie?" She asked in her thick cockney accent sounding annoyed. "You wont understand"I shook my head. "And how can I understand, Peggy? One moment you're into war movies, the next romance and now you're screaming your head off for The Lion King" she answered. "It's a classic" I said. Aunt Claire finally came, delivering the popcorn. I held my breath in anticipation as the movie began. "Nants ingonyama bagithi baba" I sang along on top of my lungs. Aunt Claire chuckled at this. I smiled, feeling proud of myself. Aunt Claire hardly laughed these days. Not that there was anything to laugh about these days. It got to the part where Rafiki was about to present baby Simba to the animal kingdom. I held my breath, waiting for the best part of the song to begin.

Then the door bell rang.

"Oh come on" I whined. If wishes were bullets, that person behind the door would be dead by now. Aunt Claire paused the movie and got up. "Seems we've got a visitor" she said, trying to hide her amusement. I glared at her. She headed towards the door as I made a run for the stairs. I heard the unmistakable voice of Uncle Fred. What was he doing here? Curiosity got the better of me. I crouched on the last stair, trying to pick up some words from their conversation. "Where is Margaret?" He asked. I scowled at the mention of my full name. It was one of the few things I wasn't proud of. Why couldn't he just call me Peggy like every one else? "She is upstairs," aunt Claire replied then asked "what's wrong?" Uncle Fred pushed past Aunt Claire, took a deep breath and said the most ridiculous thing ever. "The bell has tolled" . I wanted to laugh so bad. So uncle Fred came all the way just to say 'the bell has tolled'? But somehow, Aunt Claire didn't find it funny at all. She covered her mouth. " When?" She asked, her eyes tearing up. Why on earth was she about to cry? "Today we need to leave by tomorrow" and then it dawned on me. Aunt Claire was leaving on a mission. But she just came back."call her" Fred said and I immediately bolted for my bedroom door. "Pegs could you come down please" she yelled. I turned around and glided down the stairs. Or at least tried to. If you mean gliding as in tripping over your feet halfway through the stairs and almost falling, then yes, I glide. I made it safely though without actually falling. That's a first."yes mother" the words fell out of my mouth before I could even process them. What? I was trying to sound posh .Claire blushed at this but shook it off. "You know Mr. Brown. Don't you? The one from- "

"Yes I know where he's from" . Really, it's hard to forget where he's coming from. He wouldn't stop saying it. She sighed deeply. "Well he came with news that the bell has tolled". A deathly silence followed. "And that means?" I questioned. She looked at me, realizing that I understood nothing. "It means your uncle is dead"


"I know that this is hard for you to process, but we don't have time" Fred said, pulling out his phone. "They can't hold the news for long but we need to be there before the media gets word" I looked at Aunt Claire for help. "Are you sure that there are no heirs left?" Aunt Claire asked Fred. "I know what I'm talking about. There are no heirs apparent except for her" he said, his voice lacing with annoyance. "But my mother abdicated." I said, trying to make sense of it all. Today was supposed to be a happy day. Aunt Claire came back from her week long mission and we were going to catch up and binge watch our favorite movies over popcorn and cookies. But now, Its all ruined. "Change of plans. We need to leave tonight". Seriously? Had this man no compassion? I was leaving the place I grew up in. "What of Erica Bridgewood. Isn't she my uncle's child?" I asked.

"She is, but she is also adopted. Hence why she is not the next heir"

I sighed deeply. There was no way I was getting out of this one. Tears were pricking my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I was not going to cry. At least not in front of them. "Go pack." He said, before adding "Go pack Queen Margaret"




The room was completely empty. And that made me want to puke. "Well that's the last of them" Aunt Claire said, covering the last piece of furniture. "I'm only 16 Aunt. I can't rule a whole kingdom. The only experience I've had in leadership was leading a pack of ants! And that was to their destruction!" Claire flung her arms around me in a tight hug. "I know it sounds frightening but you won't even rule until you're 18. Besides there'll be people that will help you to rule" She pulled away and looked me in the eye. "You have grown so much. When did you grow so much?" She gushed, tucking my brown hair behind both ears. "You were so small when they entrusted you in my care. Devan said you were the cutest thing he had ever seen, next to me of course . You were like this" she sniffed, cupping her hands. "Now look at you. So grown. So beautiful. If only Devan could see you now"

She was crying now and so was I. "I'll miss you" she cried, hugging me again. I broke away in shock.

"you're not coming along?" I asked in fear. "What business do I have there?" She asked.

"I'm not going"

"Come on Margaret. Going is not an option. It's an obligation."

"My mother coming along is also an obligation"

"I'm not your mother"

"You're the closest thing I have to a mother"

"Girls, you might want to hurry up" Fred yelled from downstairs. Claire sighed deeply. "Fred I'm coming along!" She yelled back. "Of course you're coming along" he said. I picked up the suitcase but hesitated to leave. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and walked out the door. Aunt Claire locked the door of my childhood. "It will be OK".





"Fred, you failed to mention that I'll be traveling in a private jet" I said, trying to contain my excitement. I guess being Queen has its perks. "If I told you, where would the fun be?"he asked. I ignored him and sat down. A private jet. I was in a private jet. I would've squealed had it not been for Aunt Claire. She gave me a warning glance although her green eyes promised more than that. She sat down beside me, twisting and untwisting her blonde hair nervously . A very childish act for a 36 year old. "What?" She asked and I realized that I was staring at her. "Nothing". I shook my head and looked away. "Margaret, I want you to meet someone" Fred took all of my attention. "This is Victoria. Your personal hair stylist from now on" he said, gesturing to the lady with mouse brown hair. She smiled at me "your majesty"

"And this is Finley, your makeup artist and fashion designer " The lady he was referring to bowed to me"your highness". I smiled at her. She had such nice red hair. So pretty.

"Victoria, the grand duchess has requested that you do a certain hairstyle for Margaret. It's called," Fred looked on his phoebe and continued "pinned curls. Can you do that?" Seriously? Even my hairstyle needed to be approved. "Yes sir" she answered.

"Work your magic then"

"When do we land?" Aunt Claire asked.

"3:00in the evening "





When Victoria was done with me,I couldn't recognize myself. And I mean it in a bad way. My long brown hair was in little coils on my head, secured by Bobby pins. When Aunt Claire saw it, she shrieked. "This is not the final result" Victoria assured me. Oh thank goodness. She covered my hair with a bandana. Don't ask me where she got it from. "You must be exhausted." Aunt Claire commented.

"No kidding"

"Let's get you to bed"

Author's note 

And there you have it. My very first Wattpad book. I am not a pro at writing and stuff so please go easy on me.  Also if you hate the book, please keep it to yourself

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