"Don't slump or slouch. Queens don't slouch"

"How many times have I told you that this fork is for dessert only?"

"This is not Alexander the first! This is Edward the second!"

Even after a month of lessons I still hear them in my head. I could still feel Grandma Matilde trying to straighten my back. I could still see the chef, Madame Dubois, shoving the dessert fork in my face. I could still hear Old Madeline screaming at me when I had confused one person with another. This past month had been tiring and painfully boring. Don't even get me started on the language lessons. Learning a different language every hour was also tiring. And the endless YouTube videos. The only lessons I enjoyed were the self defense classes and the politics class. As Queen, I needed to know the basic self defense skills just in case. And no, the basic self defense skills weren't kicking boys in the groin or head butting. They were fun because I got to channel all my stress and anger into energy meant for afflicting pain on people. Mr. Johnson took me to Parliament House everyday. It was fun to see grown up men and women discussing the few problems of the nation with such passion and patriotism. On a weekly basis, I said a speech to improve my speaking skills. Yesterday though, old Madeline announced that the duchess of Everton wanted to visit me . I knew that this was a test to see if I had been paying attention to everything I was being taught. Here I was now, looking into the full length mirror just outside my room. I wore a light pink fitted dress with a shrug the same color. I wore a pearl necklace and some pearl earrings as well. My hair was made in pinned curls with a Bobby pin holding my hair behind my right ear. I wore heels as well. In case you were wondering, I wasn't going for some fundraiser to meet the duchess, I was just going for afternoon tea in the castle's pavilion. I walked out to the pavilion. I greeted the castle hands and just spent the next thirty minutes staring at the view. The castle's manicured gardens were beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful. There were a lot of Spanish roses, chrysanthemums, petunias, some ferns, lilies, tulips and a bunch of flowers I didn't know the name of. They all grew together, looking like a rainbow of flowers. The trees were another beautiful story. Oaks, Willows, flamboyants and others were also present in the garden. Beyond the garden was the setting sun and the azure sea. If I wasn't so nervous, I would've taken a picture. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Sooner than later, I heard the castle gates open and a car drove in. I composed myself and sat down, taking a deep breath. Even though Aunt March assured me that the duchess was a kind person, I still felt petrified. So far, my encounters with most royalty was less than pleasant. I had reason to worry. Soon, I heard the sound of clicking heels on the pavement. Then I saw her. She didn't look any older than 18. She wore a baby blue fitted dress with a shrug of the same color. Her blonde hair was styled in a chignon. She looked so familiar. Blonde hair and forest green eyes. Where had I seen her before? "Your majesty, the duchess Jacqueline of Everton" my personal assistant, Jane, announced. I nodded in her direction before turning to look at the duchess. We stood there until I had the sense to offer her a seat. As soon as my PA left, Jacqueline tossed her duchessy manners aside. "Oh my God Marge, I missed you" she squealed, hugging me. I was beyond confused then, but I pretended that I remembered her. "Missed you too" I patted her back. "Finally, now that my sister in law is back, we can catch up!" And that was when it hit me. She was Jacques' twin sister! Also my(former)best friend. "Jackie!" I screamed, a little bit awkwardly. "Marge!" She screamed back. "Well we can't let this food go to waste, come on" she ordered politely. We both began to eat. "So, how are you finding the Burlington isles?" She asked excitedly. "Well, it would be fun if I didn't have this.... Cloud over my head" I said, sipping my tea. We talked about having noble and royal blood and how stressful it was. Then we also talked about the isles and how it had changed since I left nearly 9 years ago. So I don't know how we got to this:

" do you know who killed the king?" I asked in a hushed tone. She looked taken aback. "Uhh, no? I mean, why would I?"

"But you know something"

She looked slightly uncomfortable but I still pressed on.

"I don't know anything" she stuttered.

"Please tell me, don't you think I need to know?"

"It's classified"

"Aha! So you do know something!"

"Keep your voice down, will you? Yes, I do know something but I can't tell you. It's classified"

"Pleeeeaaaaasssssseeeee?" I bugged her for the next few minutes.

"It's classified. C-L-A-S-S-I-F-I-E-D" she spelt. I begged her soo much, that she eventually caved in.

"Fine! You haven't changed a bit, have you?" She asked but I ignored her.

"Spill" I urged.

"Fine, you didn't hear it from me but," she began. We came in closer even though there was no one around. "No one knows who the murderer is. It could be anyone. They call the person the grim reaper. But we do know that she or he, is responsible for your mother's death as well, and your grandfather's. The person is targeting the heirs or the kings. All others seemed to have been left alone. Like Lady Susanna"

"Am I next?"

"I dont know. But you can't trust anyone, at least for now"

I didn't know why, but this news felt more overwhelming than it was probably supposed to be. A murderer on the loose. Not a single lead, and no one, it seems, to trust. Wow!

My life just went from A Christmas prince to death on the Nile in a millisecond. How delightful. Note the sarcasm.

"But you don't need to worry, my brother will protect you"

I turned to her. "I didn't ask for any of this"

"Well that's fate for you"

I sighed and changed the subject to next week's ball.





I waved back as the car drove away. If I'm being honest, this day has gone pretty well for me. I silently walked back to the castle feeling tired,

even though it was barely six in the evening. I made a beeline for my room. I didn't even bother myself with dinner. I felt so drained all of a sudden. I practically threw myself unto my bed when I was done changing.

Lord, why am I so tired?

I know, another long dreary chapter. But I promise, we're getting to the good part.

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