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My eyes adjusted to the bright room as I walked in. "Margaret! My you've grown" a woman in the room gushed. I smiled shyly at this. The woman had brown hair styled in a chignon and striking blue eyes. Normal. But what confused me was that she wasn't old so she couldn't be old Madeline . "You probably don't remember me. I'm aunt March". Unfortunately, her name rang no bells. Someone came from the bathroom just as I was about to say that. "March, leave us" the person- or old woman commanded. She looked a little frail but she didn't sound frail. Aunt March left almost immediately. The old woman sat down. "I am the grand duchess of Middleton and your great grandmama. Of course, you know that. You may address me as madame when and where appropriate" she spoke whiles siping her tea. "I'm just messing with ya" she laughed even though it wasn't funny. I managed a chuckle or two out. "Are you scared? Of being Queen?" She asked, giving me a sympathetic look. I nodded. "You shouldn't be scared" she cooed and somehow managed to calm my nerves. I smiled when she smiled at me. "You should be petrified" she dropped her smile. I did too. "You should be very afraid, terrified, fear should grab you by the heart" she continued, making me feel more worse than I was this morning. Tears were already pricking my eyes."it's a dangerous Job, being Queen. One wrong word outta you and hundreds will die. He who controls your heart, controls the country so I need to know. Can you do this job? Unfortunately, if you can or can't, you're the next heir and although I would give anything to see Erica on that throne, It'll have to be you." She came dreadfully close,her sharp green eyes burning a hole through mine. "Tears already? Get out of my sight" she commanded and I was only too happy to do so. That is if I could even walk. I stayed rooted for some reason but I was shaking like a leaf in a tornado. 'Don't cry, pegs, don't you dare cry' I warned myself and in no time the tears ran back to where they came from. "Look I don't talk back to the elderly because of my respect for them so this will be a first, but I'm The next heir and I will be Queen whether you like it or not. So if you have problems with this, please keep them to yourself" I swallowed "Madeline". I hate bullies and people who think I can't do something. Like, I know I can't do it so reminding me is kind of unnecessary and annoying . I stared into her beady- I mean green - eyes. She was shocked, I know, even I was, but she quickly recovered. "So you think you're better than Erica, huh?"

"I never said that"

"You didn't have to say it. Your behavior speaks loud and clear"

"Look if you called me to taunt me then I really must go. I have things to do" this was the biggest lie I ever told.

"I see that Claire didn't raise you up with manners"that comment made me so mad.

"Well I see your mother didn't raise you up with manners as well"

"We're having dinner today. Everyone will be present. Let's see if you can run that disrespectful mouth of yours"

"That depends. Will you be present?"


I didn't have to be told twice. However, when I was about to open the door, I felt the need to apologize. "I'm sorry for my behavior" I said, waiting to hear what she had to say. "You are forgiven" she answered, although she didn't look like she forgave me. I practically ran out of that room. I was trying to get to the portrait room, thinking of the most disrespectful conversation I have had with anyone, let alone an elderly woman. Then it dawned on me. She was the woman who looked like me! She did say that she was the duchess of Middleton and in that portrait, the same title was under. Well, there goes my appetite. Who even gave her that title anyway? "Excuse me" a voice said. I realized that I had collided with a body. A feminine body. She had black hair and brown eyes. She looked like she was 20. She wore a turtleneck hoodie and some jeans trousers. She gave me a sweet smile. She was so beautiful. I hope I wasn't ogling "Hello, are you the duchess of Everton? I wasn't expecting you today" she asked as she extended her hand for me to shake. "I'm Erica Bridgewood" she introduced herself. I felt myself turn pale as I mustered words it of my mouth "I am Margaret Bridgewood" I shook her hand. Her smile faltered. "You?" She sneered, Giving me a once over. "I thought you would be here tomorrow" she recomposed herself, flipping her long raven hair over her shoulder. "I thought the same but you know Fred" I tried to joke. Unfortunately, she didn't get it. "Mhm. So, I wanna introduce you to our great grandma-"

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