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Before anything else, I would like to thank anyone that is reading this book. I hope your day goes well. - Indiana.

The funeral was quiet. Almost too quiet, it was said, for a king. I had even fallen asleep halfway through the church service. The tributes were a bit weird , mine especially since I was told to write one  a week before the funeral. The burial was really sad (lady Susanna wouldn't stop crying) and the reception was even more so. As the cars were driving to the castle, the citizens of Burlington lined up the streets wearing black but waving flags happily. "What are they doing?" I asked the closest person I could talk to, which happened to be Aunt March. "They are welcoming their Queen" she mused. Oh. I had completely forgotten about that. The two weeks I had spent before the funeral was pure bliss. I ate and ate and binged watched all my favorite movies on Netflix and Disney+. Aunt Claire warned me not to get too comfortable and I hated the fact that she was right in every way. Her exact words were "don't get too comfortable because when your uncle is buried, Peggy goes with him. It'll be Queen Margaret from then on". It made me so scared. But I had 2 years of free time before the real stuff. The prime minister, Mr. Johnson, would act as sovereign till my coronation, another thing I was dreading. I fidgeted with the hem of my silk black dress trying to ease the nerves. I think I zoned out because before I realized I was in my room again, changing into something more comfortable. "Your majesty,the dowager Queen mother requests your audience" my personal maid, Nina informed me. I turned to her "thanks but Nina please call me Peggy. I'm not Queen yet". She nodded shyly, taking away the funeral clothes. I went out to look for Grandma Matilde.





She gave me a once over. "I thought we bought new clothes for you" Grandma Matilde pointed out. I chuckled awkwardly. "Um yeah but we're home now". She tried to smile but it came out as a look of disgust. "You're going to be Queen so you need to look proper at all times". I wanted to scoff. These sweatpants were proper. The finest in all of that thrift shop. And this sweater was knitted by Geraldine, the sweetest old lady I had ever met. She was also a titanic survivor. "Anyway, the family was discussing how best to train you. Although a boarding school seemed fitting, we decided to teach you ourselves, hopefully Claire did her part" she mumbled the last part before looking at me. "How many languages do you speak"

"Three" I smiled proudly.

"We have work to do" she sighed, turning to old Madeline(yes she was present) "only three?" She asked.

What did she mean by only three? I'd like to see her speak in Spanish without messing up. Did she even know how many language lessons I attended since I was old enough to walk?"we have work to do" Matilde mumbled looking at Madeline. "We start tomorrow" Madeline said, looking at me. "But for now, you may read this" she handed a book to me. "They are the rules. How to rule. Read it and take care of it" she warned. I smiled the best I could. "Yes ma'am" I said and walked away.





"Rule number 10: the Queen must be fluent in English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Portuguese, Italian,Greek and Latin." I read out loud in disbelief. "Latin is a dead language! Why must I learn it?"

"You are Queen, you may never know when you need to speak a foreign language" aunt March said, looking out the window. I sighed. "I don't want to be Queen" I whined. Aunt March looked at me with a surprising face. "Aren't you passed this phase? There are just some things you cannot choose. You don't choose where you were born"

I looked into her eyes.

"Can't you be Queen?"



"Because you are the next heir and then your children will be"

"What if I never give birth?"

"Why do you think you were married to him" aunt March gestured to the window. I got up to see who she was referring to. I sighed. "What if I don't love him and I love someone else?"

"Pray then, that you will not love at all"

"But why?"

"Listen Peggy, many people don't want you on that throne. Just because you are an heir doesn't mean that the crown is permanently yours. So, you can't afford to make mistakes. Whatever that book tells you to do, do it and do it well"

I sighed. Being Queen was going to be harder than I thought. What wouldn't I give for a good cup of hot chocolate and a good book? I went on to read. Then I had a thought. "Can't I rule on my own? Queen Elizabeth I of England never married"

She gave me a deadpan look "you're no Queen Elizabeth I, you're Queen Margaret I and you need heirs"

I didn't bother asking questions again. I went on reading these weird rules.





"Your majesty, you shouldn't be out here" I heard a masculine voice say. What now? I can't even walk in the castle gardens anymore? I turned around. "Jacques, you of all people should know that I hate it when you call me 'your majesty' " I stated, annoyed. He smiled at me. "I won't call you that again, your majesty". I glared at him in annoyance. He walked beside me. "You look like you're carrying the world on your shoulders" i tensed at his words. "Well that's because I am. One wrong move and everything goes down" I looked at him. "You need to sleep" he said, brushing some hair out of my face. "But it's only six pm" I whined. He looked at me with a worried expression. "Fine" I did admit that I was kind of tired. The funeral and everything had drained me. I wasn't surprised therefore, when I slept the moment my head touched the pillow.

Also, I am aware of the fact that the chapter was a bit short. Please bear with me.

With all my love, Indiana


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