Leonardo x Male!Reader

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I Just Need Company

Request: May I request for a Leo x male reader, where they both take a shower alone together from all the training, and they feel shy & embarrassed about it. But then Leo tells him about his nightmares from the aftermath of the Krang invasion, so the reader comforts him with hugs and head pats, and one of them accidentally confess to him, and they both get very nervous and super flustered? Then they reveal that they never had their first kiss or know how to kiss, so they both bashfully try it together at the same time?

Sorry it's a little different than intended. I tried to keep the shower concept though.

The room was dark, you could only see through a small light source on the side of the bed. Its radiating blue light makes the scene more calm. Leonardo sleeps on his bed, only letting out subtle breaths go in and out. His expression seems calm, and he cuddles against his pillow, holding it tighter by the second. Just as the room goes quiet, Leonardo struggles in his bed, seemingly in an uncomfortable spot, and lets out a loud gasp. Awaken, he sits upright and looks around, scared, and the short gasps turns into a long sigh. 

He covered his face with his two hands and groaned, "What...happened..?" Leonardo complained. He looks up and around his room, whatever he dreamt wasn't real. As he felt a sense of relief, Leonardo breathed out. Leonardo goes to the side of his bed, and stands up. He feels drowsy, but he needs something that can refresh his mind. He walks towards the door, and exits his room. 

He looks around, and sees that no one was awake. Even if he realized this, he went his way towards the bathroom. When Leonardo entered the bathroom, he went straight to the sink. He turns the tap on, and proceeds to wash his face. Though that wasn't enough, Leonardo decided he would take a bath. The shower curtains open, and he enters the bathtub. Turning the shower on, he unties his bandana and sets it aside as he goes under the waters.

 Leonardo felt calm in the bath, he continuously washes his face and releases a long sigh. Leonardo looks at himself and realizes the large amount of scars covering his body. He peels off some of the bandages, and the sounds start to hurt as the water touches his skin. Soon enough, it didn't hurt anymore, and he continued showering. He almost felt sleepy, his eyes were heavy and he almost forgot the bathroom wasn't his room. Leonardo slowly closes his eyes, but awakening him were the sounds of the shower curtain opening. Leonardo looks up surprised to see Y/N, "Y/N?! Wait- What are you doing here?!" Leo asks, shocked, while also trying to cover himself with his hands. Y/N too was surprised, but only looked away in embarrassment. 

"This.. is my bathroom Leo.. " Y/N says nervously. Covering your face, you look at the wall opposite to the shower, thinking, "What is he doing?! He's supposed to be asleep-" But Y/N's thoughts were interrupted by the shower curtains opening. Y/N gets startled and moves back. Looking behind him, Y/N's eyes were met with the turtle's naked body. 

(Oooh boi...) 

Leo looks like he normally is; his plastron giving a look of something that covers his body, but Y/N wasn't used to seeing the turtle with what Y/N thought was a hard shadow covering their crotch. Turns out, those were shorts, and Y/N was looking at Leonardo without them. Flustered, Y/N quickly looks the other way, even covering his own eyes. Behind Y/N, was also an embarrassed Leo, who was trying to cover himself with the curtain. Leonardo closes the curtains, and thinks to himself, ‘This is his bathroom?? Where am I right now??’  Asking himself, he contemplates taking a shower in the first place. But then, Leonardo closes his eyes, and makes a sudden decision. 

"Uhm, you can take a bath with me if you want..." Leonardo offers to Y/N. 'WHY DID I ASK THAT?! I'M SUCH A WEIRDO WHO WOULD WANT TO-’ Leonardo's thoughts were interrupted by the curtains opening suddenly. Surprising him was a flustered Y/N looking down, holding the curtains open. Leonardo stands shocked; the water was still on, and it was just the two of them, standing awkwardly in the shower. Y/N joins Leo and closes the curtains behind him. It was silent for a moment, Leonardo nervously standing naked and Y/N having his clothes on, but they're just slowly getting wet. Both said nothing, until Y/N started, "It's... okay if I join you right..?" Y/N asks, hoping for a yes, he remains looking the opposite direction to Leo. Without thinking Leo blurts out, "Yeah! Totes chill- Just two dudes making' out- Taking a bath together! Yeah it's fine no worries!!" He stutters mid sentence, Y/N looks at Leo wondering about the sentence he stuttered, but paid no mind when Leo acts cool. 

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