Donatello x GN!Reader

487 13 23

Quiet! I'm Working!


hey can you do a Donnie x non binary reader the plot being smth like
Donnie finds reader working on a project on their roof while fighting one of the side villains (like hypno or smth) and reader hears and throws a book or smth and knocks the villainout then the turtles go to thank them and Donnie kinda catches feeling and askes them out
They say sure and maybe in a second part its the date
The name of the oneshot can be whatever you like

The plot is re-written a lot so I'm sorry of it's not how you like it. But here is my version of it, sorry once again if it's not good. And I'm not sure of how to write non-binary peeps so I'll just make it gender neutral if that's okay.

Stars bloom in the night sky, the fresh breeze blowing everywhere. The sounds of cars and trucks honking below your feet as they dangle over the edge. The roof has always been your comfort place, the scenery is always calming. And a perfect empty area to just brainstorm. You were doing a project, a Physics project. You find it far easier to do it alone than with a partner, not because it's easy for you, just because it comes with fewer struggles from miscommunication. Not everyone can understand everything you say, you just babble sometimes when you feel jazzed. And people find that annoying, not your problem though. 

Today's project is about sound, studying sound waves to be more precise. And what other place than above the city, where voices are barely a hindrance. Of course there are sounds of vehicles and people, but it's low enough that noise compression will do just the trick. You had everything setted up, from the speaker to the receiver and everything in between. Now you just have to record the results. You placed your earphones on so you can hear the end of the sound far more clearly, you have to make sure it's alright. 

And the audio started, your end sounds fine. No disturbance, no static, just like it was supposed to be. Two minutes in and everything was going great, you just have to get through the five minute mark. Why was the audio so long? Because it was filled with various sounds that your professor had handed out to you. And he's not too keen on short assignments, which just hurt for you and your class. 

But after the three minute mark, you started hearing people talking, or fighting persay. That was not part of the audio, however. The original audio was just filled with nature sounds, there wasn't supposed to be people talking. You thought something was wrong with your receiver, so you tinkered with the monitor a bit. To your surprise, nothing was wrong with the microphone. You placed off your earphones and you noticed that the noise wasn't coming from the audio. 

You turned around to see two animal humans[?] fighting at the rooftops nearby creating a havoc of noises. This assignment is due tomorrow! And these goons thought they could roleplay and ruin everything?! Not on your watch. You have to shut those two up, and you know just how. You gaze back upon your work station and your eyes fall upon your Physics textbook. It's thick, but light enough for you to throw, and heavy enough to make an impact. So you picked it up, and aimed for the right target. 


"Flaming Brighton, my head!" The hippo man shouted, gripping his head tight before getting knocked off the roof by the other person. A loud clutter echoed against the alleyway walls before falling into silence. Just the silence you wanted. The other guy seems to have understood the memo, so you got back to your project. You need to get this done before tomorrow, or your professor will turn your class into a living hell. 


They just went back to whatever they were doing? Not scared or surprised or anything?! They just knocked Hypno down a five storey building, I'd be surprised if he can make another cameo elsewhere. The accuracy of that shot is just wonderful! What did they throw? A textbook?! The aerodynamics and air resistance shouldn't have allowed for such a shot! Was that just luck, did they understand the Physics behind the throw? Fuck, it's a fucking Physics textbook. Why did I doubt such a fascinating person? What are they doing? Is that machinery I see? Oh, I have to introduce myself. 

The purple turtle leaped from the roof that he was standing before to yours. You were far too engraved in focus for your project to notice he was watching the results next to you. He crouched next to you, pondering over what project you're working on. He tried to build up the courage to ask you, but the slightest voice that exited his trachea was met with a shush. In all honesty, he adored your dedication. Not everyone is focused on their studies, and to see you was like gold in a coal mine. Such a rare beauty lost in between the ignorance of others. 

The audio file finally finished, and you placed your earphones down before writing the results down. You took note of the results that were given to you, before you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Actually, it's a longitudinal wave for the waves that went through the solid block." You look up to your side, to see that same cosplayer from before crouching next to you. He seems really into your work just as much as you are. 

"Oh thanks, I might not have noticed that." You replied to the stranger's word by fixing the mistake you wrote. "Are you interested in Physics?" You ask him, no normal person just corrects you when you're doing projects unless they're a nerd. He nodded and started singing about how he loved science in general. But he stopped midway, to ask you a question. "You're not afraid of me?" That question bothered you at first. Why exactly would you be afraid of a cosplayer? Unless they're a crazy one, sure. But he doesn't look like it. And in reply, you just shrugged. What were you supposed to say anyways? 

Your phone buzzed from your alarm, signaling your time has run out. You still have to get enough sleep for the lecture tomorrow, because it'll be very long if your professor is annoyed or irritated. You said goodbye to the cosplayer, before cleaning up your project mess and departing down the fire escape ladder. The turtle stared back at you in awe, he didn't even get a chance to ask for your name. But he will remember and make sure to ask next time.

Part 2?

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