This... is where we must stay...

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So, I walk out of the hallway... I grabbed Sora from Behind and dragged him back to the hallway to the electric chair room, I strapped him on the chair and put the headphone-like things on him, and before I turned the dial... He yelled out "JUST LISTEN TO ME! I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I DID TO YOU AND YOUR BROTHER!" I was shocked by his yelling, I took my hand off the dial and faced him "So, you are apologizing after what you did to me and my brother, tell me this... Why did you kill me and why did you kill my older brother?" I asked in annoyance...

"I thought by your look, you had a better childhood than me...  I killed you because of my jealousy... I killed Steven because he was beating me to death, I killed him before I died... that all happened after I killed you..." Dilavni Explained to me, I was shocked to hear the reason why he killed me... "Tell me about your Childhood, and I'll tell you mine... because, I did not have a good childhood..." I told him...  "Well, I never had any freedom growing up... I was forced to wear things I didn't like, I was brutally homeschooled, and harmed if I did anything wrong or protected myself...When my parents died, I was able to leave and be free... I managed to get a job at Nintendo... and that is when things started to go downhill from there..." Dilavni Explained, I saw that tears were rolling down his cheeks... then it was my turn to tell about my Childhood... "Well, for me... I had a loving family that included my brother...  My parents, unfortunately, died in a car accident... My older brother was old enough to keep the place up and take care of me... I was eventually old enough to leave the house and take care of myself I was looking for a job to get, My good friend, Austin, told me about Nintendo and that they are hiring, He was thinking of applying... you can guess what I did, I applied and got the job... and there is where everything went down after that... " I explained to him, Sora was shocked to hear my story... "I-I'm sorry that happened to you... I was blinded by jealousy..." Sora again Apologized... I unstrapped him from the chair and hugged him "And I'm sorry that happened to you..." I said... "I guess, for our afterlife, we are stuck here... so this... is where we must stay... until we find a way out of here..." Sora said, "we might as well have it feel like home now..." I said to finish the conversation. we left the room and explained everything to Steven... He thankfully understood... we all went to the Mii Channel and then, I coded some things in the Mii Channel for us to do, and we did the activities... A few minutes later I went to the hallway... and then, A good friend of mine and I reunited...

                                                                                      -<The End>-

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