Heart bound

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*This is a request from @iris_froste, sorry it took awhile to get to yours and thank you for the request! I know this is a shorter chapter than usual, but I think it fits, 220 word count*

"NYA!!!" Jay cried, as he pulled Nya to lay on him, tears brimming in his eyes. "I love you Nya" He continued, trying to stop the shaking in his voice

Kai's knees collapsed from under him and he sank to the sanded ground, his sister... and his crush, losing both? He let out a fireball and a cry of loss, both aimed towards the sky

Cole stared at the scene in front of him, before feeling Zane gently squeeze his hand and then went forward to kneel beside Kai and offer him a hug, which he fell into, the heat seemed to cool from Zane, as Kai's tears froze on his shoulder, Cole stumbled forward, his legs not wanting to work as he put his arms around Jay and Nya. Nya was the closest thing he had ever had to a sister and Jay was the one person he couldn't have.

"I have one wish left" Jay crocked "I wish no one had ever touched that stupid fucking lamp."

With that, everything was gone, except the way each ninja looked at each other.

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