Ninja's nightmares - Zane

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*I did take down the author's note that was the chapter before this and I will be reposting an updated version after Cole's nightmare, 452 word count*

"Zane get out of here!" Cole cried, pushing him aside with his earth element, a giant boulder pushing him back

"Zane please, we're not losing you again!" Kai agreed frantically, trying and missing a blow to their attacker

"No! I'm not leaving and I'm not losing anyone, including myself!" Zane retorted, blasting the boulder into tiny shards, ice spiking into the heart of the enemy they were facing, but when he turned back to where the others were supposed to be standing, waiting to congratulate and hug him, they were frozen, each emotion was gone from their face as if...
Zane looked down at his hands and fear gripped his heart, 'I'm the ice emperor?' then he felt it, the cold that welled up eating him up and tearing him apart, he was losing everything, because of himself, 'again'.

He blinked back tears, this is why he needed his emotion meter, this is why he should have been human, this is
His thoughts cut off by an arm draped across his chest and he turned over to see Jay was overheating next to Kai, Cole slept on the left, then Kai because Cole was always cold, even if he wouldn't admit to it and Jay was next to Kai and Zane to get "The perfect temperature" as he put it, Zane didn't mind tho. Jay pushed himself closer into Zane before he opened his eyes and jerked back in cold shock at the frozen tear that had fallen on his forehead.

"Babe? What happened?" Jay asked tiredly

"Just another nightmare" Zane tried to say calmly but his voice hitched and cracked, Kai blinked his eyes open before looking towards Jay and Zane and he got up and walked to the other side of the bed and took Zane's other side

"Don't sugar coat it, we're not your boyfriends just because of how cool you are" Kai said, gently kissing his cheek

"Kai. Really? More dad jokes, while you're trying to comfort Zane?" Cole said, rolling his eyes and pulling the three ninja towards him, settling Zane on top while Kai and Jay took one of Cole's sides

"Besides, dad jokes are my thing" Jay protested

"No they're n-" Kai started before Cole told them both to shut up and comfort Zane while Zane had to hold back his laughter

"Someone's feeling better" Cole said gently, messing up Zane's hair, but Zane didn't react besides laying his head down on Cole's chest and letting himself fall back to sleep, all of their breathing slowed and synced.

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