Happy Halloween!

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*Hey everyone this is actually going to be my first holiday special and I hope you all enjoy :), 759 word count*

"I don't understand Sensei Wu, why are we allowing Llyod to go to random people's houses to collect candy?" Zane said skeptically as Jay noted the inaccuracies of Llyod's space ranger costume

"Because Llyod gets to be a kid for one night in his life" Cole said firmly, messing up the future green ninja's hair

"Yea, besides it's going to be awesome! Halloween is my favorite holiday" Jay agreed happily, adjusting his Albert Einstein wig to wear it wasn't falling off his head

"I have to agree with Zane on this one, are we sure it's a good idea to let him go?" Kai asked, trying to sound cool but hints of worry melting through

"Well that's why you four are going with him, me and Nya are staying here to hand out candy and run the monastery" Wu replied, after some protesting from Kai and Jay and some yelling by Nya, Kai and Jay finally left with Cole, Zane, and Llyod. Zane had decided to wear his father's lab coat and gone as him, while Cole had chosen to go as a mountain troll,  Kai had found some old dragon wings and decided he was the ruler of all dragons, and Jay was a mad scientist that created time travel

"Isn't it funny, you're the Earth elemental and you're a troll, and then you combined them into your true form" Kai tried to tease, stumbling over the joke from the look Cole sent him over his shoulder

"Kai you need to work on your punchlines" Jay laughed and stood closer to Cole so Kai hopefully wouldn't send a fireball his way

"All of you shush, I want to go trick or treating by myself, go away" Llyod said, crossing his arms and pouting

"Not happening." Kai and Cole said in unison

"Look, why don't I go to a few houses and meet you guys at the arcade in an hour." Llyod tried, hesitantly they agreed and Llyod ran off

"Are you guys sure it's a good idea, do you think he's ok?" Jay worried, standing outside the arcade

"Yea, he's ok, but are you?" Cole asked, watching Jay shiver

"He's freezing" Zane assed worriedly "His body temperature has dropped significantly" Zane took off his lab coat and handed it to Jay "This will match your costume anyways and I don't need it" He smiled as Jay slid it over himself and the shivering gradually stopped.

A flare of jealousy went off in Kai's head, Why do I want to give Jay every jacket and blanket I own but somehow also want the one Zane just gave him... 

"Kai are you cold too? Stupid question, Zane is Kai cold?" Cole asked, turning to the nindroid

"Yes, not as cold as Jay was though but he's trying to hide it" Zane answered, scanning Kai "Wait, no, his body temperature is spiking and his face is-" Kai cut him off before he could say anything that gave his crush away

"It's been over an hour, we have to go find Llyod" Kai said before walking off to where Llyod left them, it took over twenty minutes before they found him, he was hiding in a corner staring at some serpentine thugs, guilt and shame were written all over his face as they searched through Llyod's candy

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Kai exploded, knocking down two of the thugs easily as the third tried to get away Zane froze all of them in their tracks, Llyod's face lit up as he jumped up and ran to hug each of the ninjas 

"I'm sorry I didn't listen and I didn't me-" Tears poured down his cheeks and he choked on the words he was trying to use

"Hey, hey, it's ok buddy, we've got you, come on, there's another hour before trick or treating's over and we can get you all the candy you want" Cole said gently kneeling down to hug Llyod

"Kai's body temperature just spiked again" Zane reported

"No it- Zane why are you-" Kai tried, his brain seeming to malfunction

"See! I told you he liked us back!!" Jay said victoriously

"Not in front of the kid!" Cole replied in annoyance, covering Llyod's ears, Kai stood staring, dumbfounded 

"WHaT" He tried to crook out Nope, still impossible

"Kai, you are adorable and stupid, we're going to take Llyod trick or treating and we'll finish this conversation when we get home" Cole said, smirking at the tomato in front of him and still covering Llyod's ears.

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