A New Beginning

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Change has always been a vocal point of Earth. Whether it is politically, physically, or socially.

Change has always happened every few decades or over millions of years.

However, this change was made... In an instant.

Our story begins in 1475, a time when the Church's power had grown throughout Europe.

In a home near the city of Targoviste. A blonde woman with ocean blue eyes was tending to an elderly woman.

"Adrian, can you hand me the bottle of leaves?" Lisa asked, opening a book that contained pictures of different internal organs and their insides. She looked directly before putting it down.

Adrian, a late teenage boy with long blonde hair and pale skin walking towards her mother with said bottle. "Here, Mother."

Lisa smiled and took the bottle before walking towards the elderly lady, "Ok, Mrs. Eldritch. Put these leaves into your water or tea and it should start clearing your throat up."

"This will help? Thank you, Mrs. Tepes. Thank you, young man." The elderly woman smiled before standing up from the table.

"I'll lead you outside, madam." Adrian smiled as he put a hand on her shoulder and began walking her towards the door. He opened the door and looked outside to reveal four priests and a Bishop.

Adrian frowned and asked, "Can I help you?"

The Bishop walked forward, "We are looking for the Physician of this village, Lisa Tepes, I believe her name is."

The elderly woman began walking away while looking at the priests in a tinge of fear.

Lisa walked towards the door, "Adrian, is someone at the door?"

"It's the Bishop, Mother." Adrian stepped aside for his mother.

She looked at the five people and asked, "Hello, how can I help you?"

"I certainly hope so. We've been told by an elderly physician about a witch hiding amongst the villagers. She spoke about one in this very house." Bishop said.

Adrian tensed up as his hand slowly went for his short sword hidden within his coat.

Lisa looked at his son and put a hand on his arm as she looked at him, "I've not heard anything about a witch. I'm just a doctor, wanting to help people."

The Bishop smirked, "Then perhaps we can simply look around inside, just to be sure."

Adrian was about to say something when Lisa spoke up. "Of course, come in. Are any of you feeling unwell?"

"No no, we're quite alright." The Bishop said before walking through the door. The others walked through, throwing smug smirks at Adrian who glared back at them.

Adrian was still watching as he whispered to his mother, "If they attempt anything, I will kill them." He said as a matter of fact and not so much as a question of whether or not Lisa's son would defend her should things turn violent.

"Adrian, please don't do this. This could be our chance to show them what science is truly about." Lisa said to her son.

Adrian loved his mother deeply, but sometimes he feared her hopeful attitude would get her killed. "I know Mother, but I won't let them take you away from me or Father, I will not let them break up our family." He knew his father was coming back but hoped he would come back faster.

The priests began looking at the tools and bottles with glasses in strange shapes.

"If she is a witch, she must be a powerful one." One of them said to which the other snorted.

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